4 days later
I've been sitting by Jack's side almost 24/7 the past 4 days. I haven't really talked to Anna since the day I left her apartment, I'm not ready to have that conversation with her. Me and Marshall have been texting each other back and forward, I still think it's very sweet of him to think of me.
Now I'm sitting here by Jack's side again talking to him, I don't even know if he can hear me, I'm beginning to lose my faith in all this.
"I have so many things I wanna tell you Jack. This feels like a movie, you know where people sit and talk to their friend which is in a coma, the only difference is that this is my reality. You always find it weird when you see people talking to a person about their day and they ain't even sure if he or she hears it, now I do it myself. Am I weird? I already know what you would answer if you were awake." I say to Jack and start to laugh as I say the last part because Jack would say right away that I'm weird. "I would do anything for you to wake up and throw some stupid comment in my face." I say. I sit for a while not saying anything, I just look at him and then I look at my watch and sigh. I stand up and kiss Jack on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow honey." I say and go towards the door.
"Christina." I hear Jack's voice behind me so I turn around and he lays there and looks at me, I freeze for a moment because I can't believe that he's awake and he can talk! I run over to him and grab his head between my hands and kiss him, not with the tongue or anything but I just kiss him, I've no idea why I do that, I've never done that but I just think I'm so happy to see him awake.
"Jack can you hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" I ask him to be sure.
"Yeah." He says with a grumpy voice but he's still smiling. I hug him while I squeezes the life out of him, I was beginning to lose my faith but that motherfucker proved me wrong, I'm so happy that he's such a fighter. Oh god I have to call a doctor! I push on the button when I hear Jack's voice again. "And yeah you are weird." I can't help but laugh when I realize that he has heard what I've said.
"Can I help you?" I then hear a female nurse ask behind me.
"He's awake." I tell her in a cheerily voice while happy tears are running down my face. Immediately she calls for back up so they can run some tests on him. I decide to call his parents and tell them the good news.
The whole day I just spend the time with Jack and his parents, luckily there isn't any damage to Jack's head but his back is broken and they're not sure if he's gonna be able to walk again.
On the way home I decide to call Marshall and tell him the good news.
"Yo." He says when he picks up the phone.
"He's awake."
"Man, that's so fucking good to hear babe."
"I was just about to go and then he called my name, I can't believe it! He isn't brain damaged or anything, it's gonna be okay!"
"Of course it's gonna be okay."
"Nothing can ruin my day now."
"Man girl, I miss you."
"I miss you."
"Have you talked to your sister?"
"No, but i'm on my way over to her place now."
"Are you still staying with your aunt?" He asks. Yeah I lied to him because I know he can get a bit jalousie so I'm afraid of his reaction if I say that I'm staying with an ex boyfriend.
"Cool. Listen I have to go, I'm working with the guys in the studio right now."
"Okay, talk to you soon."

Complicated (Eminem fan fiction)
FanfictionThis story takes place in 2001. Christina needs to get away from LA so when she gets offered a job in Detroit in a fashion company which is what she has always worked with, she immediately takes it and moves to Detroit. Christina immediately click...