Marshall has tried to call me twice since Saturday but I really don't wanna talk to him, he was so mean to me and I know that ain't the first time but I didn't expect it, not after I opened up about my feelings. Today I have a work on Beauty Girls, I'm all alone this time because it's just a few who needs to be ready for some video shoot. I walk into the studio and I immediately see that Kim sits on a chair and she looks very sad.
"Hi." I say and place my stuff on the table.
"Hi." She sighs not even looking at me. Does she know something?
"Are you okay?" I ask her.
"Not really." She just says, I take a chair and sit next to her. Fuck she knows something..
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I just had a fucked up weekend."
"I called Marshall in the middle of the night this weekend, I think it was friday night, my god, it doesn't matter. I was really drunk and I called him, he usually doesn't pick up but he did this time and I just heard a girl moaning loudly, he was fucking some girl and he had the heart to let me listen to it." She tells me and I can hear that she's just about to burst out crying.
"Omg.." I pretend to be surprised over his action, but really do I wonder if she knows it's me.
"Not that it surprised me but I didn't thought he would ever be this mean, that he would let me listen to it." She says. I can feel that I get angry, not so much about him hurting her even though it's mean, but we could have been caught!
"Did you talk to him about it?" I ask her.
"No, what am I suppose to say?" She asks.
"That it wasn't okay, this was way over the line." I say honestly. I do really think Marshall is an asshole this time.
"He doesn't care, he only plays by his own rules." She sighs. Yeah, I know that.
"So you haven't talked to him since?" I ask.
"No, it's the same as always. Since we slept together, he has been so mad at me and I don't know why."
"You deserve better Kim." I say. I now hear the models arrive so I need to get to work, besides Kim doesn't want anyone to see her upset so we both get to work.
After work I call Marshall, he doesn't pick up at first but I just keep calling him until he does.
"Now you wanna talk?" He asks as he picks up the phone.
"Yes, we need to talk, are you home?"
"Why haven't you picked up the phone?"
"Because you were a fucking dick."
"I told you, if you changed your mind that I would never speak to you again."
"This is about something way bigger."
"Like what?"
"Are you home?"
"I'll drop by." I just say and hang up.
I'm so angry that I'm shaking! I think he's way beyond mean to rub things in Kim's face like that and by then risk that we get caught. I can't believe I haven't seen just how of a big asshole he is.
When I arrive to Marshall's house the security opens the gates for me, I walk into his house without knocking and Marshall stands there in the hallway, so I just walk over to him and pushes him back by his chest.

Complicated (Eminem fan fiction)
FanficThis story takes place in 2001. Christina needs to get away from LA so when she gets offered a job in Detroit in a fashion company which is what she has always worked with, she immediately takes it and moves to Detroit. Christina immediately click...