1. Let's Say Sorry To Grandma

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Before I start I just want to say that I am writing this from my phone so if there are spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors it is not my fault. I'm also not very good with English in the first place so please don't judge. If you don't like my book then go read another book instead of hating on it and I hope you enjoy.
Please do not copy my work.


"I'm really sorry dad please don't tell grandma," I begged.

"I won't," dad smiled suspiciously, " because you will." He was enjoying this. He was enjoying me panic.

"I can't she'll be so disappointed and upset because of me. Can't we just say that a burglar came into the house and I attack him by throwing a grandma's and grandpa's wedding photo at him and he ran away."

"No. At dinner tonight you will tell grandma that you ruined the only remembrance she has of her dead husband. The only man she loved because you weren't watching where you were going and knocked her wedding photo down. Should I add how you hid the evidence under the stairs in hopes of me never finding out because all this would top up to give you the greatest punishment known to mankind," he smirked.

"No daddy, please. If you do this I would be forced to go out into the street and become a prostitute for £5 a minute and..."

"Stop exaggerating violet," dad interrupted me, "your lucky I'm not bringing your mum into this. She is already stressed with work. She was supposed to be her this Saturday but they extended her time again. How would she feel if she found out that the image of her father and mother was smashed to smithereens." Mum was a travel news reporter and she had to stay in France a little longer because of the bombing.

"Ok. I understand. We would tell grandma that I broke the photo so she could strangle me with her walking stick." I frowned doing my puppy dog eyes.

"That actually sounds reasonable," I whacked him on the arm, ''Ok Violet let's make a deal. You stop eating dinner and finish cooking it whilst I go and watch the football game in the living room." He was out before I could respond.

"You have done a good job with dinner Violet," Grandma smiled.

"Thanks, grandma," I replied.

"Now that dinner is finished I think Violet has something to say," dad smiled. He was enjoying every second of my misery. I bet he would pop out some popcorn at act like his watching the Kardashians jumping every time it gets dramatic.

"I am so sorry grandma I didn't mean to..."

"Wait for violet," she interrupted, "are you pregnant my dear. I could tell since you were gaining some weight and practically like your plate clean. Even ate all your vegetables. Those hormones make your head go all Willy Wonkers," she poked my belly.

"I'm not pregnant grandma and have I really been gaining weight."

"Well, I didn't want to say anything. Violet, darling, I'm old, not blind and I can see that you're going..." She stopped to find a word but instead squeezes my stomach. "Don't you think so Edward," Grandma faced dad. Dad was sitting there tossing popcorn into his mouth.

"Anyways grandma that was not what I wanted to say. I am so, so, so sorry grandma but dad accidentally smashed the image of you and grandpa," dad started choking on a popcorn. He grabbed his cup of water and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Edward is this true because if it is. Oh Edward, me gustaría hacer estallar su cabeza con un abrelatas y comienza empujando trozos de cristal dentro de ti (I would pop your head with a can opener and start pushing pieces of glass inside of you)," she went full Spanish on his ass real quick.

"I'm sorry I lied grandma it was me who smashed the photo."

She looked so disappointed in me.

"Leave Violet," she demanded.

I scurried out of the room into my own. I was so scared. I didn't know what she was going to do with me. I paced my room waiting for her to call me down.

I slowly walked into the dining room afraid she might jump out from behind the door and attack me.

"Violet sit," dad was ordered and I did what he said.

Grandma's eyes were red. I could tell she has been crying. She must have been really upset that I had broken the last remembrance she had of her one true love.

"I don't know what to say, Violet," Grandma started off, "first you break my photo then you hid it away thinking that I would never notice. Then you lied to me and blamed it on your father. You are lucky he has persuaded me that I don't give you a harsh punishment. What do you have to say for yourself, Violet."

"I'm so sorry grandma. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me when you found out what happened. I was scared." I started to cry.

"Don't be afraid my dear," she hugged me and wiped my tears away. "There is nothing to be afraid of ok." I smiled, "but don't think for a second that you won't be punished."

"Ok," I said. "What is my punishment?"

"It's simple really," grandma sat back down,"all you have to do is fix it. Repair the glass or find a new frame exactly the same and trust me you won't get one from here, it was specifically hands made from your great grandpapi as a gift of our marriage."

"Ok but how. I don't get pocket money and I don't work."

"That is why you have chores. You would get paid £2 a day.'' Dad spoke up eating the popcorn again.

"But that's so little," I complain.

"That is why you would have to get a job." He told me.

"Why should I get a job when you could give me the money," I whined.

"Because you must learn about responsibility my child," Grandma said.


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