2. Let's Play A Game

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"Panda I'm dying and in need of your help," I called my best friend Pandora.
"I'll be there in five minutes," she replied then hung up.

Minutes later Pandora was at my door exhausted.

"I came here as fast as I could with Ted 2 and Ben and Jerry," she said.

"Come upstairs it's an emergency."

We ran upstairs and shut the door. She popped Ted 2 into my tv whilst I closed my curtains.

"So I may have broken my grandma's photo," I started.

"The wedding photo," I nodded and she gasped.

"Now she wants me to find a job and fix it asap."

"Then why did you call me?," Panda questioned.

"I was hoping you could help me look for a job. Maybe you could ask your mum if I could work in your mum's ice cream shop again?"

"Remember what happened last time you work there?" she started laughing, "you unplugged the freezer to charge your phone then brought up the heating because you said you were too cold and melted all the ice cream." She fell off the bed laughing.

"Don't remind me," I groaned, "so, could you ask your mum for me?"

"My mum won't even let you go closers then ten miles after what happened," she sobered up and sat back on the bed. "You need to work somewhere you can't cause a destruction."

"Library?" I passed her the Ben and Jerry's

"You would somehow manage to get a mountain of books to topple over you," she laughed at the imagery.

I whacked her on the arm. "I'll get some popcorn. Don't start the movie or else," I warned.

I jogged down the stairs into the kitchen and saw dad eating cereal.

"Seriously dad it's 4:36 and your eating cereal."

"I'm a grown man I could do whatever I want."

"I wonder if mum ever questioned if you were a little boy trapped in a man body."

"Haha," he said cereal spilling from his mouth. "Grandma is not coming to dinner tonight, she has gone out to meet Auntie Andrea," he informed me.

"Can Panda stay for dinner then," he nodded. "No snacks before dinner ok," I patted his head.

"I'm not a kid," he said as I popped the popcorn into the microwave.

"Mmmmm-hmmmmmmn. Sure."

"You keep talking like that then I'll reduce the money I'm giving you for chores from £2 to 10p per week."

"That's not fair," I complained.

"That it 10p each month."

"Ok, Ok I'm sorry daddy and I won't do it again."


The popcorn finished and I took it out the microwave.

"By the way, I'm looking for a job," I told him.

"Look at you being all responsible." I smiled jogging back to my room.

"No running," he shouted.

"I'm not a kid," I called.

"Sure," he said.

I walked into my room to find Panda already watching the movie.

"No popcorn for you then since you already started the movie."

"Noooo," she shouted like those movies when someone dies and they shout no dramatically. "You can't"

We had dinner at seven and dad drove Panda while I cleaned up. He only drove Panda home because he hates doing the washing.


It was Monday the first day of school and I was already tired of school. Just two more term left until university, I reminded myself. I knew it would be harder but the thought of fewer days for school made me wish it for it to come closer.

I was wearing a sky blue crop top with my white skirt and white converses. Something simple to blend into the background. I didn't want drama after the last term when I found out that my boyfriend for two years, Michael, was secretly banging my ex-best friend Sakaë. She practically turned into a bitch afterword. She dyed her hair blonde, took out her braces and stopped wearing her hipster glasses. She started wearing less and going out more. Hanging with some girls I've never seen before. You used to call me on my cell phone. Late night when you need my love, call me on my...

"Violet get your ass down here before I drive to school without you," dad shouted.

"Ok, I'll be there in one minute." I grabbed my backpack and my phone then ran downstairs.


"Welcome class, don't you think it a great sunny day?" Ms William asked then frowned when Sakaë walked in. "Miss Wong I don't think it is appropriate to come into school wearing a very tight top that is revealing way too much cleavage, a skirt that practically shows your crotch and heels as tall as a bridge. It looks like your going to a club."

"I dress to impress miss," she replied.

"How did you even get into the school without a teacher doing anything?"

"Probably sucked that teacher dick off," something shouted. I felt bad for her but she deserved it.

For the rest of registration, I and Panda kept on talking about jobs I could get.

The day was running smoothly until I had to go pee in the middle of period 2. Damn my small bladder. I was walking to the toilet when I noticed someone was behind me. I turned around to see who was there. It was Zack, the crazy gangsters bad boy the cut everyone that eyes him my ass.

I opened the door to the toilet when he slammed the door shut before I could walk through.

"I heard your in some trouble with money," he said.

"Was you listening to me in registration?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"Since you are in some trouble with money I would be generous and play a simple game. Make me fall in love with you," he whispered into my ears.

"What," he spun me around.

"You heard me. Make me fall in love with you. If you win I'll give you the money you need. If you don't I will reveal your parents little secret and make your life a living hell," he threatened casually walking away. "You've got until the end of July," he called out.

I was so confused. I had to play a game to make Zack, the bad boy of the school fall in love with me in three months and two weeks. But why?


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