13. Let's Hear About The Big Secret

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"Why are you lying."

"I'm... not," Panda stuttered.

"Pandora, we have been best friends since primary school. I know when you're lying. You scratched your ears and your nose twitches."


"What is the secret Pandora," I demanded.

"I can't tell you, I swore to your parents. Anyways, how did you find out about the secret?"

"Zack. He told be there was a secret that could tear this family apart and it was killing him that he could tell me."

"I don't trust Zack."

"And right now I feel like I can't trust you if you don't tell me the truth."

"See, Zack is turning you against us. He can't be trusted," she screamed I'm my face.

Someone know on the door. Our heads twitch towards it.

"Is everything okay," dad open the door showing just his face.

"Yeah, we're just arguing about Vampire Diaries. I say that Stephen is better but she prefers Damian," I lied.

"Then why did Pandora scream something about Zack."

"Oh Zack just told me that Vampire Diaries is a crappy show and I told Panda and she went psycho." I said.

Panda kept quiet.

"Alright then girls, keep your volume down then, grandma is trying to sleep."

"Okay then daddy," I said.

He left the room. I turned my head to Panda.

"Stop changing the subject to Zack, all I want is to know what this deadly secret is."

"I can't. I promise your parents. How did Zack find out what n the first place?"

"You told him whilst you were drunk."


"How did you find out?"

"It was a long time ago. 2 years ago to be exact. It was when a little before you went on that school trip to France for a week. I came to your house to help you pack. Your dad was out at work and your mum came back for a week. You and your mum went out shopping whilst I stayed at your place because I was to lazy to go with you. Well actually in pain because that was the when I lost my virginity to Mick and I came to tell you about it but you told me that we would speak once you get back from the mall," her voice slowly started to turn into a whisper. She started to fiddle with her hands. "I was bored so I started to look around your house. I went into your dad's office, remember back then he had it remodeled so it looks different. I hadn't seen in yet so I went in there. I look around and saw on the one of the painting moved. When I went closer I saw a safe behind it, it was still opened. I looked inside it and saw some documents, and that's all I can tell you. After I confronted them they told me to be quiet or they'll take you away from me. They threatened to move to a different country where we can't speak in person anymore and I could have that happening. I'm sorry Violet. I'm so so sorry I kept this away from you for so long." A tear drop fell down her down her face.

"Is this a joke, the deadly family secret is a fucking piece of paper."

"It's more then that. It's something that would practically destroy your family once you found out."

"Tell my what it is Panda."

"I'm sorry Violet but I just can't."

"Are you kidding me, you have kept this secret for 2 years and you still can't tell me," I shouted.

"I'm sorry, I promised. Plus they said they would tell you soon."

"When, when is soon."

"In tomorrow, this Monday, on your 18th birthday. That's when they promised to tell you, but I feel like they might not do it."

"And why is that."

"Your mum, she doesn't want to say. That's why your auntie Andrea is here, so they can tell you, but your mum wa-"

"She was arguing not to say anything. So auntie Andrea is involved?" I asked


"And what about the safe."

"After I confronted your parents they keep the room locked. One day when your dad went down for some ice cream I went into the office. I tried to open the safe with every pin I knew off. Your birthday, his birthday, your mum birthday but it didn't work. I couldn't open it again."

"So dad has a safe in his office,"


"Then let's go see."

I got up and walked towards the door. Panda still sat on the bed.

"Come," I demanded.

She slowly started to get up and walked towards the door.

We went towards my dad office. The door was unlocked.

I walked in.

"Which picture."

"The family photo," she mumbled.

I moved the heavy photo.

There was a safe behind it.

I though of the most important date to my dad. His mother's birthday. It didn't work. His wedding anniversary. I didn't want. The day his father died. The safe made a click noise and slowly opened.

"You opened it." Panda said surprised.

I slowly opened it. There was a brown envelope. I picked it up and slid the paper out.

"Are you kidding me," I asked Panda.

On the paper was a the ingredients to my dad's curry including the secret ingredient. At the bottom in big red red writing was a warning sign that said 'may lead to upset stomach if too much pepper is added.'

I showed her the paper.

"How can that be," she said. " I guess your parents moved it after I confronted them. The probably thought that I would tell you and show you the safe as proof."

I marched downstairs to the living room to where my parents and auntie Andrea was.

"You need to tell me what the family secret is."


I hope you like chapter 13. Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think. Please vote and share.



Ps. If anyone didn't know, I updated every Friday night.

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