8. Let's Talk

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I'm back. You missed me didn't you. Anyways let's get started with chapter 8. It's a special one as well.


"Oh the kiss, I forgot all about that," I snatched my hands away from his and jogged to my front door.

"You won't escape from this. We will talk," he shouted getting into his car.

"Sure," I closed my front door.

"Who's that you're talking to?" My mum asked me.

"Just a friend. What's for dinner?" I dogged the subject.

"Your dad won't be in today so nothing special. Just pizza, Ben and Jerry's and a Friend marathon. What d'you say?"

"Heck yeah."


I passed out after a couple of episode and woke up in my bed.

Oh how I fucking hate Tuesday day. We had double French. But luckily I didn't have anything for the rest of the day so me and Panda was going to go to the arcade.

I had a quick shower then got dressed in my new BTS jumper, some shorts and my new EXO bag. Today I was supporting both of my favourite groups so they know that I love them. They are going to be my future husbands anyways.

I don't get what Panda means about me being obsessed with them. I don't even know what life would be without kpop.

"Dad Panda is giving me a ride today," I shouted packing my homeworks into my bag.

"Okay," he replied.

I quickly straightened my hair then went downstairs for breakfast.

"There's nothing to eat," I moan.

"There's five thousand different types of cereal over there," dad said.

"And there is pizza over here. Pizza beats cereal so that's what I'm having."

"Mum's still not up yet."

"Nope. You know how your mother is, she's not a morning person and she finds 1PM still to early to wake up. Plus she's on her break so she must be tired from all her work."

I grabbed a couple of slices and warmed it in the microwave.

I quickly ate it and started to leave the house.

"See you later, bye mum," I shouted.

"Bye darling," dad replied.

I quickly got into Pandas car and she drove off to school.

"What took you so long."

"I slept late, Friends marathon with my mum."

"Ok. You know we're not gonna get any good spots in the school parking lot. We would be at the end, the furthest away from the school door."

"But we would be the closest to the gate leading to the main road so we would be no where near the school car jam."

"Good point, you luckily escaped this one."

"What are you doing first period since you have no subjects?" I asked.

"Sneaking people who are late in through the gym."

"Why do you do that?"

"Because they pay me and you know the new policy our new stupid head teacher made, late twise and don't even bother coming back to school."

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