12. Let's have a sleepover.

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"Sleepover all weekend!" Panda shouted.

I giggled.

"So how was the date?" Panda asked.

I had just taken a shower and gotten dressed into my PJ'S. We were about to watch a movie and eventually fall asleep halfway through.

"Amazing," we sighed. "He took me to this beautiful place and we had a picnic. He told me that he would take me there again someday so we can look at the night sky. He told me about his past and told me that he loved me."

"And..." She waited, "what did you say back?"

"I couldn't say anything." I frowned. "I do have feelings for him, very strong ones but love... I don't think I love him."


"As in I like him very much but at the point of love."

"Oh, I see."

"Anywhos, what are we watching?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," she simply said.


"I honestly can't believe my parents accepted you."

It had been a week after my parents had accepted Zack into dating me. Right now I was on my lunch break from work and we were eating at McDonald's.

"Why can't you believe it?" Zack asked.

"I don't know, probably because you have that bad boy thing going on with you."

"You think am a bad boy," he smirked.

"I don't think you're a bad boy I know you're a bad boy." I smirked back at him.

"Violet?" Someone behind me said.

I turned around to see who it was.

"Auntie Andrea," I hugged her immediately.

Auntie Andrea was my mum's sister. She's was the cool auntie compared to Auntie Isabella. She always gave me thing my mum forbade me from having and sometimes secretly took me out at night. It was weird that I resembled her more then my mum. However, she did look a lot like grandma so I guess that's why I looked a lot like her. Mother always said I take after grandma.

"What are you doing here. I thought you were with grandma."

"Yeah, your grandma has been quite sickly lately so I had to look after her."

"So where is grandma now?" I asked.

"At your house. I dropped her of then said I had to go toilet and climbed out the window." I giggled. "Honestly, I love mother but she keeps on pestering me to have to get married and have children. To settle down, the thought of that just makes me tired. I'm only 34 I definitely don't need a an in my life right know. I just want to have some fun."

"Just say that that you've found a really good man but the relationship is to early for you to introduce him."

"I have, for the last 2 years."

"Then say that he he broke your heart and you will need some time before you move on."

"I should you know," she kissed my cheeks, " thank you baby." She looked towards Zack, " I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before, I'm Violets auntie Andrea." She held her hands out towards him. "And who are you."

"Zack," he finally spoke, " Violets boyfriend."

"Wow Violet you have definitely improved for the last one. You upgraded from a Nokia brick to an iPhone."

I looked at my wrist," oh look at the time I got to go back to work." I said.

"But you have ten minute left and you're not even wearing a watch so how can you tell the time." Zack stated.

"The power of God gave me the time," I grabbed onto Zack hands, "let's go."

"I see, you're running away from me. Don't worry I don't mind, I used to be young like you. Oh what am I saying, I'm still young."

"See you at home Auntie," I hugged her one last time."

"See you later darling. Bye."

We quickly left the shop.

"Why did we have to leave so quickly." Zack entwined his hands with mine.

"Because I know her and she was about to start leaking some embarrassing thing about me."

"Then let's go back," he tried to turn me back.


After work Zack came to pick me up and he took me home.

I was about to enter the kitchen when I heard hushed whispers. I pressed my ear against the door.

"You have to tell her, you can keep this for long."

"We have kept this secret for nearly 18 years why would you want to say it now."

"Because she deserves to know."

"This is a ticking time bomb, if you drop it I'll blow."

Mum, dad and auntie Andrea voices flew across the room.

"You can't do this."

"You gave her up along time ago."

"But she's mi-"

"What are you doing?" The voice started me and I practically jumped out of my skin. I turned around to see grandma.

"Hi grandma, I was going to go eat but it seemed as if they were having an important conversation so was listening to see when they finished instead of rudely interrupting them."

Mum came out the kitchen frustrated. I looked in to see a crying auntie Andrea and dad passing her some tissue.

"I'm not hungry anymore," I quickly said escape to my room.

I went up to my room to see Panda laying in my bed.

"Do you know anything about this 'deadly' family secret?" I asked her.

She scratched her ears ands her nose twitch. What would happen when she lied. "No."

Panda had just lied to me. How could she.

Whatever this secret was it was slowly tearing my family apart. I needed to find out what it is and quickly without anyone suspecting me.


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