3. Let's Party

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''Hi violet," Mr Cameron walked up to me. He and my dad has been best friends since primary school. He's very close family friend and I think of him as an uncle.

"Hi sir," I smiled.

"I came to talk to you because I see you as a daughter of my own and I'm worried about you." I stopped in my track and looked at him confused. "Is it true that you were talking to Zack?" He asked.

"Yes. Why and how did you know?"

"Well, I don't think Zack is a good influence on you and some teachers told me."

"I swear they gossip more than the television show Gossip Girl itself," I whispered to myself but Mr Cameron must have heard because he started to chuckles a little.

"Anyways did you dad tell you about the camping trip?" He changed the subject.

"No, what camping trip?"

"Your father and I will be going to have a boys weekend alone so you will be home alone. Your very scary grandma is still visiting your Aunt Andrea so you would be home alone. Is that fine with you?" I nodded. "Honestly I don't understand how he could forget to tell you. I've been bugging him, reminding him to tell you. Yet he forgets. Again."

"It's ok. I and Pandora can have a sleepover."

"Pandora and I," he corrected me.

"Pandora and I," I parroted. "Well I got to got to lunch. See you later sir".

"See you later Violet," he waved goodbye.


"How could you not tell me that Zack talked to you?" We had just sat down for lunch and she was already starting to ambush me with questions.

"There was nothing much to tell. All he did was tell me that I have to make him fall in love with me or I would be he would ruin my life with a secret strong enough to break through the concrete and make me fall into the depth of hell," I said casually biting into my sandwich.

"And you never thought to mention this to me."

"What he said was stupid and happened on Monday. I'm surprised you're hearing about this now."

"It happened on Monday," she shouted,"today is Friday ViVi. You waited till now to tells me."

"I was waiting to see how long it would be until you found out. It certainly went past what I hypothesized." I looked at Panda, she looked like she was going to choke me with my sandwich while snapchatting it. "To make it up to you we can have a super cool summer fest sleep over you've always wanted."

"No. The only way I would forgive you is if you go to Blake Malconell's party." Blake Maxwell was Zack best friend. Together they were trouble and the teacher just couldn't handle it.

"Let me guess. It's a costume party and the theme is slutty." The look on her face showed me I was correct. "I'm not going and that's final," I said.


I don't know how but Panda had somehow managed to convince me to come to the party.

I was now wearing a short black dress that made my boobs pop out with a v-back thingy. Panda was wearing a short strapless red dress that also made her boobs pop out as well.

We walked into the party to see people grinding on people. A guy vomiting in a plant pot then goes back for more drink. A guy dragging a girl up the stairs and when she nearly drops I had to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" a voice whispered from behind me.

I turn around to see Blake. I'm surprised he was talking to me. I was going to ignore him when I saw Zack making out with some random chick. No. I didn't feel mad or anything. I'm not one of those girls who get jealous about a guy they don't even know. But it did make me feel like having a little fun tonight. I don't know what evil, cynical demon possessed me but I dived in and kissed Blake. That's right, Blake Malconell. And if you're wondering, yes I do know how to kiss a boy.

"I guess you a girl that gets what she wants," he said between the kisses.

He pushed me closer to him shoving his tongue into my mouth. I would have stopped him but like I said, an evil demon possessed me and was controlling my body.

Minutes went by when Blake suddenly disconnected from my lips. I looked up to see Zack with his fist wrapped around Blake t-shirt pulling him up. Zack had an advantage since he was much taller than Blake.

"What the fuck are you doing kissing Violet bro," he shouted at Blake. I looked over to where I thought I saw Zack a while ago to see Tommy McCarthy making out with his girlfriend Marianne. He and Zack look so familiar since he always copies what Zack is doing. Everyone knows that the only reason why Marianne is with him is that she can't get Zack and Blake rejected her so she settled for Tommy.

"That's not Violet man," the music wasn't even playing anymore and we had formed a crowd. "You violet," he asked.

"No, I'm purple her cousin," I responded, sarcasm dripping in my words.

"I told you she was mine bro," Zack said.

"Oh no, no, no. I'm not anyone's. I'm not a piece of property that can be passed around," I defended myself.

"You upstairs now," Zack demanded.

"I'm not going with you," I kept my grounds.

Zack's face was red with anger. He picked me up over his shoulders and I kick him trying to get down.

We entered a room to see the boy and a girl who nearly fell earlier. They were about to have sex. Disgusting. Did people have no self-respect?

"Leave," one word and they were scrambling on their feet collecting their clothes and left the room closing the door behind them.

Zack dropped me harshly on the bed. The straps from my dress fell to the side and my hair fell from its perfect position. Great, now Panda was going to kill me after I escape from the big bad wolf. Not.

"Did you not listen to me on Monday?" he questioned.

"Yes, but I thought what you said was utterly stupid. I can find a job on my own, eventually. I don't need your petty money," I was retaliating and it felt good.

"Are you stupid," he said crawling up to me and I started to back away.

I lied, I was not scared of Zack. I was petrified of him. I certainly crossed a line and now he was going to massacre me.

"We made a deal."

"No, you made a deal. I'm not apart of this crazy game.

"Are you crazy," he ruffled his hair. "If you don't do what makes me fall in love with you by July, I would tell everyone the secret about your parents and you can say bye-bye to university and any chance you had of having a future." He was so close to me I could feel his cold, minty breath on me.

I never went into consideration that whatever my parents were hiding could ruin my life.

My thought was interrupted when a very drunk girl walked in with a boy carrying her pulling her dress off.

"Oh sorry we didn't know we were interrupting something," they looked up at up giggling.

"No we're not doing anything," by the time I spoke up they were already gone and my voice slowly turned into a whisper. "Are they going to tell everyone we're having sex?" I asked.

"Yup," he said walking out of the room.

I swear that guy has some weird bipolar behaviour. One minute he's threatening to ruin my life the next his alright leaving the room.


I hope you like chapter 3. Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think. Please vote and share.



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