Chapter 4

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"Lucinda! Behind you!"

As I turned around, I saw the man with the silver sword. He was pointing the sword at me. I stood rooted to the ground, unable to make a sound. As I was waiting for my fate, I saw my life flashed past me. 'So this is what being on the brink of death feels', I thought. I was so sure that the sword would end my life. As I close my eyes, the sword came, piercing into my heart. I heard a thousand voices screaming at me, or was it me screaming inside? I heard someone calling my name. But I couldn't open my eyes. I was in so much pain, as the sword was pulled out of me. I struggled to open my eyes, before the sword came down once more, I screamed.

"Hush Lucinda. Hush. I am here." A reassuring voice said into my ears.

Oddly, the voice did managed to calm me down. However i was on full alert and immediately, I opened my eyes and sat up straight.

I was panting from the aftermath of the dream. My hands went up to my throat which is now feeling very sore. I was trembling with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Who.. who said that?" I asked cautiously. I was alone in my bedroom, the voice certainly does not sound like my mom nor my dad.

The shadows around me moved and I huddle my blanket closer, hoping that it will protect me from all kind of elements. Then, I quiver a little as one of the shadows grew bigger.

"Justin?" I said in surprise.

"Yes, Lucinda." Justin said. The way he said my name reminds me of those words that I heard just now.

"Were you here right beside me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes." He replied.

"How.. in the world do you get in here?" I asked, scrounging up my eyebrows.

He pointed at the windows and I turned around, realizing that I had forgotten to close it before I went to sleep.

I blushed but nonetheless, it can be a coincidence that Justin is here when I was having the bad dream. I look up in confusion and asked him again, "Why did you come?".

"I heard you." That was all he said.

"Heard me?" I repeated, "How could you have heard me when my house is the only one that is near the beach. Besides all the other houses are at a good far distance away from mine.". I paused. "Unless you have super hearing." I laughed.

I was waiting for Justin to laugh with me and said that I was ridiculous. But when I looked up, he gave me a grave straight face.

"I am a vampire." He said quietly.

I reel back in shock. Justin. A vampire? The kind that goes around sucking blood? I couldn't believe my ears but somehow, a tiny weeny part of me knew.

A vampire. So that explains why Justin's face is so pale that it seems to be white. His movement is so quiet that it is easily missed and the natural regal poise he carries himself. And how he doesn't seem to be the age he appear to be.

I was still reeling in shock. Justin knew how my reaction would be, for he said, "I should go.".

"Wait." I stuttered. Justin stopped and stood eerily as still as a statue. "Please don't go yet." I whispered. I hated how clingy I sounded and I, a witch is asking a Vampire to stay with me. But I needed someone to accompany even for just a minute.

Justin hadn't make a move. I said in a small voice," Please come over here and stay with me for a minute.". Just then, Justin flare into life for he was now walking towards me, he sat at the edge of my bed. He did not speak. So I decided to start the conversation instead," Am I supposed to very afraid of you?".

Justin faced me and I saw humour twinkling in those gray eyes of his. "Depends on what you are.".

"I am a..." I paused. "..a witch. One of the Talented.".

Justin does not seem taken aback by my revelation. Instead he smiled and said, "Then you should not be afraid of me." and he mumbled to himself,"I knew you were one of the great powers.". I caught what he said and thought that it was weird.

As according to my family history, apparently Vampires and Witches are enemies yet Justin seemed relieved that he found our family. A sense of suspicion began to rise in me as I fiercely said, "Don't tell anyone about this piece of information.".

Justin nodded gravely, knowing the importance of my words.

I settle back comfortably on my bed and the awkward silence starts to settle between us. I desperately needed his company, for I fear he will be gone, so I spoke, "You seem to know quite a lot about me." He nodded. "So do you mind telling me about you?". I asked.

Justin gave a bemused look, and said, "You already know my name, Justin Wainer.".

I rolled my eyes and said, "Well, how about where you live? Who do you stay with? How do You survive?". I was pretty sure I was bombing him with questions. He took a blank look and said instead,"I survive on human blood and for your information, I respects where the blood comes from.". He emphasized. "For the rest of your questions, you have to earn your answers." He gave a rare grin. Abruptly, he stood up, he looked at the moon and said, "I have to go. Until then, Lucinda.".

The shadows, that were still around us moments ago, are now moving around. Before I could react, Justin walked into the shadows, seconds before he was gone, I whispered,"Thank you Justin.".

When I was sure that I am alone again, I tried to get back to sleep. However I was also taking in the information that I have seen a Vampire that was supposed to be 'extinct' from my family records.

"Lucinda." A voice called. I jumped. I quickly sat up and move to the far corner of my bed. "Lucinda." The voice called again. " Look at me.".

I was shivering because I am pretty sure that my door is locked and my windows are closed. Well plus I am a witch whose powers have yet to be discovered and that left me pretty vulnerable. Nonetheless, the voice was so compelling that I look up, relief flood in to me and followed by suspicion.

"Kegan." I half whispered.

"Lucinda." He said again, his face sagged with relief.

"Why are you here?" As my suspicion settled on me.

"I am here for you." He replied concerned written all over his face. I couldn't understand what he meant by "here for" me, that was when realisation dawned on me.

I said in a flat tone,

"What are you?"

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