Chapter 24 ~ Jedi Training

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I put on my mask and robe. I secured my Lightsabers to my belt and looked in the mirror. I was pleased, today is the first day I train Jedis. I smiled underneath my mask and walked out. Ben was busy figuring out plans for our next attack. The light side was coming back. They weren't as strong but they were still mad.

"Okay (y/n) you got this" I whispered to myself as I entered the training room. I looked around and saw the Jedis. I walked up to them, they all stood stiffly, scared, and ready. "Okay I want you" I said pointing to a man with a beard and blue eyes "and you" I said pointing to a smaller make with black hair and green eyes, "fight but do not hurt each other everyone please pay attention, I will give both of you tips as you fight" I said walking around the two men and they both activated their Lightsabers. "Ready... Set.... Fight" I said and the men clashed their Lightsabers together

They both had blue Lightsabers and similar fighting techniques "Think of a way you can find a way around your opponent which doesn't include smashing light sabers all the time" I said and watched as the male with green eyes think for a while. He seemed to light up and slipped his foot in between his opponents feet. He kicked to the side and the bearded man fell to the ground. Green eyes pointed his light saber at the blue eyes chest

"Haha I win" Green eyes cheered a little,

"Yes good job now pair up with someone and battle, remember find a way around the Lightsabers" I said and the men paired up leaving one man standing I looked at him "looks like your with me" I said and the man had a flash of fear cross his face.

"Yes ma'am" the man said and we activated our Lightsabers. I nodded and we fought, he looked around me an swiped under me I jumped avoiding the attack. We held our Lightsabers together and I ducked and brought my light saber up to the mans throat making him sweat a little.

"A way around look for any don't copy green eyes look for any possible solution" I said and the man nodded

"I will try next time" he said stuttering a little

"Good because if you use the same moves you'll become predictable" I said tripping the guy making him fall to the floor

"Yes ma'am" he coughed

"Alright I expect you to keep in battle tomorrow we'll work on this more and find new partners every once in a while" I said deactivating my light saber and walking out. I went to go find Ben and show him what the Jedi's were working on.

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