Chapter 19 ~ Dissapear

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I woke up from a long nap to see Ben had left. The sky was dark and everything was still. The only light was coming from a candle. I got up and walked over to it. A small note sat by it

A candle looses nothing when lighting another one.

I smiled a little coming to mind how true that was. I saw another candle in the distance. In the forest, many dense trees almost made it invisible. I slowly walked towards it leaves crunching under mine. The candle sat on a tree stump. When I reached the candle another note was taped to it.

You are the light of my life

I giggled a little, it was corny. But I really liked it that way. I looked around and saw another candle sitting on a dirt path. I walked towards it. This time the candle was a pink and red color.

A candle may melt and its fire may die,
But the love you have given me will always stay as a flame in my heart

I put the note down and looked up. I saw a clearing and even more candles. I walked towards them. At the end of the path I saw a soft grassy meadow. Ben was standing in the middle and candles lined a path from me to him. I walked on it a smiled forming on my face. For I saw something... rather peculiar. A bulge in Ben's pants. Luckily for me I brought the right stuff. I put my hand near my belt

"I see you finally woke up" Ben said and I nodded

"Yes" I replied and I was already prepared for it Ben smashed his light saber onto mine. I laughed and we fought. Our sabers crashed and some of the candles were blown out by the force.

"You were prepared huh" Ben said

"Yep but what would you have done if I didn't bring my saber" I asked in between hits

"Probably play with the candles by using the force" Ben replied

"Oh so like this" I asked and flicked my hand back and grabbed a candle. I pointed towards Ben and the candle came flying towards him. It stopped in mid air and Ben tried forcing it to me. We pushed using the force until we both relaxed out of breath. We both lied down

"That was fun" Ben said

"Yep woah look at the stars" I said astounded "they are so pretty" the sky was littered with white specks.

"It is pretty neat isn't it" Ben replied

"How did you find this place" I asked turning towards him

"I saw it the last time I was here" Ben said

"And when was that" I asked becoming suddenly curious

"When I trained with Luke" Ben replied

"Neat" I said and laughed a little

"What's so funny"

"Oh it's just that it's so quiet without the kids" I started "aren't we going down to see them tomorrow"

"Yeah tomorrow afternoon" Ben replied with a small sigh. I giggled and began thinking again. I wonder if Kory's parents like her? Will they accept that she is on the dark side? Who'll they even be? I guess I'll find out tomorrow

Hiya!!! I was just wondering if you any of you guys wanted a shoutout? Comment me and enjoy!!!! Love y'all my stormies!!

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