Choater 3 ~ Meap

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Before we start the chapter and please don't scroll past this it's important! I would like to point out something. I recently read an amazing Kylo Ren x Reader. I absolutely loved the grammar, choice of words and the poetic like writing. The author of this story is callmesononemoretime please check it out. It's too good not to point out. I would highly recommend this story.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I stood with Ben as he went over plans for our next invasion. We were invading a planet called planet of the meaps. I wasn't too sure why we were taking over this planet. They all seemed dumb but Ben insisted that we do and the children come along. Kylie got out of her chair and came over and hugged Ben's leg. I laughed a little, and picked Kylie up.

Time skip

We walked off the ship with only a few Stormtroopers by our side. I sighed a little nervous. The door opened and an army of small adorable creatures stood in front of us. I lit up and dropped mmy saber, that's when they began to make little Meap noises. I melted and picked one up

"Meap" was all it said

"Oh my god this is awesome" I yelled and Kylie immediately began picking up a bunch of meaps. I giggled holding the one in my hand. My giggle fest was cut off by the sound of an active lightsaber. I whipped my head around and saw a Meap with a lightsaber. A grey one, Kylie.

"Kylie no you can't give the meaps Lightsabers" I scolded her and the lightsaber deactivated, Kylie took it back.

"Mommy" Kylie asked

"Yes" I replied putting down the Meap. It quickly hung onto my leg and looked up at me

"Meap" it said

"Can we keep one pleaasssseee" she begged and I looked at the Meap hugging my leg.

"Yeah I guess but this is the one we are keeping" I said picking the Meap back up.

"Meap Meap Meap" it said and Kylie giggled as I handed her the small alien

"I love it" She giggled, Kylie was so innocent. She didn't understand what taking over any normal planet means. It still hurts me a little, the light peeking through but even in the nightmares. I feel the fun, I smiled and Ben walked up to me

"I thought Kylie would like this place is she taking the Meap with her" Ben asked

"Yeah it will be good for her to get attached to something, when she starts to kill she will be able to talk to something" I replied

"Smart" Ben said "but we should go we are getting word of the resistance coming to attack"

"Okay" I said "KYLIE, KYLO JR TIME TO GO" I yelled as the twins ran back to the ship. Kylie carrying her Meap.

"Mommy I want a Meap too" Kylo Jr begged and a blue Meap, started meaping at us

"Grab him" I said and Kylo obeyed without hesitation. We got on the ship and took off heading back to the Star Destroyer. I watched as the two meaps meaped at each other. Kylie and Kylo giggled, so innocent. But I knew it wasn't going to last for long

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