Chapter 30 ~ The End

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I watched as Whisper fought with Chewy. She agreed to stay here on the starkiller base but she hasn't spoken to me since she found out I was Ben. I threw on my mask as I entered a ship with (y/n). I glanced at her as she threw on her own mask. We began our descent. I was a little nervous myself. I was leaving the kids behind and this planet is very dangerous. It wasn't very long before the ship began to shake violently. The cabin had been shot. (y/n) Clung to me as we crashed. The pilot controlled the ship but we were going to crash. It was inevitable.

"Sir" The pilot yelled,

"Yes I know just target their main town hall and send an order to all troops to attack" I yelled and (y/n) tore off her mask 

"Ben we could survive" she yelled fear pierced the air as she talked. But I couldn't help but fall under her spell. Her voice was so sweet. Her big beautiful (e/c) eyes looked up at me with tears. I took off my mask and kissed her. A few tears slipped out of my eyes with hers as we plummeted towards planet Kirito (=^-^=). This is it, at least I can say I went out with a bang, a big loud flaming bang. I held (y/n) close. Kory would take our kids. I could trust her, Rey and Whisper would be free. Suddenly I felt burning overtake me and (y/n) screaming. Everything slowed down, my life began to play before my eyes

"We'll name him Ben" A woman said and I was picked up into the air. I cried, a lot. I realized I was a baby. 

"Chewy do you want to see him" A familiar voice said, it was Han. I was passed into very furry hands as I opened my eyes


"Ugh I can't do it" I yelled with a small toddler voice.

"It's okay just try again" Han said handing me my lightsaber. I activated it only to drop it again. I threw it across the room I was in

"NO" I screamed and Han laughed

"It's okay we'll try again tomorrow"


I was laying down, with Whisper. We were eating lunch. I stole her sandwich using the force making her laugh. 

"Ben give it back" She said swiping her hand into the air. I just made it go higher, Whisper giggled and stood up activating her saber. She held it out to my neck and I immediately gave it back.


"GIVE ME THE INSTRUCTIONS" I yelled looking at a somewhat terrified (y/n). This is where it all began. The yelling kept getting quieter and quieter until it was silent. I watched as I threw a tantrum. I brought (y/n) into her new room


"What's the price" I asked, the day I made one of the worst decisions of my life

"It's on us if we can have the pretty lady that's with you" The sentient said looking at my (y/n)

"Why do you need her" I questioned considering she'll be okay if they aren't to harsh

"So many reasons that's all you'll get to know" The Sentient said

"Deal" I said without thinking. (y/n)'s screams were the last thing I heard.


"Thanks okay let's go" (y/n) said and we walked off our ship. I made goo goo eyes under my mask. She looked so amazing. Black suited (y/n)

"Let's walk shall we" I asked taking (y/n)'s arm and we began to walk killing people one after the other.

"Hmmm I am thinking most of these people will make good Stormtroopers like him over there" (y/n) said without any emotion

"I agree what about him oh wait never mind he just died" I suggested as she giggled.

"They seem relentless don't they" (y/n) sighed as we continued our battle

"We might kill all of the villagers before they surrender but oh well there are more planets to tackle" I said trying to cheer (y/n) up

"True" (Y/n) agreed and a man ran up to us kneeling

"Please sir please make it stop we'll surrender just stop killing us" the man said


(Y/n) my poor sweets is being taken away from me. I can't tel her saying it aloud will crush me. I can't stop it, she is going to be pulled from this dimension and put into another, in the future far far away. I grabbed her and pulled her close. I couldn't let this happen, why must everything I love die. She snuggled into my chest. Oh I'm going to miss her so much, maybe I'll find a way to reach her. I have been looking at the planet she is going to be sucked into and it seems corrupt. The day my love was taken from me

"Sweets why don't you come lay down with me hmm" I said trying to keep my voice steady

"Is that why your so worried you want to cuddle" she asked me giggling a little

"Y-yeah uh cuddle yes" I lied, she flopped onto the bed and crawled into a comfortable position. I layed down next to her and pulled her close. She looks beautiful while she sleeps. She dozed off in my arms and she already began to fade. She turned a lighter shade and became pale, her breathing becoming more faint. I hugged her tightly as if it would help but she just kept fading. On and on until she was gone, my arms fell and I began to cry.


Events flashed before me at record speeds. I saw (y/n)'s face

"I love you" She said before everything went black. I saw (y/n) again, she was faded and nearly transparent. I reached out to her. She smiled and disappeared. I let a tear fall out of my eye before I felt a falling feeling, but I wasn't falling. I was rising. I saw (y/n) beautiful wings stretched out of her back. I smiled knowing I wouldn't receive the same fate. A blinding light was ahead of me. This was the end.

Hey guys I'm crying as I write this. I'd like to thank everyone who's read this book. All of the sweet comments and every vote. I am sad to say that this book has come to an end. It's been an incredible journey, and thank you so much for sticking here. I want to say how much I love each and every one of you. If you ever need someone to talk to pm me. I hope you enjoyed my book, so long and good night. :)

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