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You know the opening scene in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith? The one where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are space battling the droids because the droids are trying to invade Coruscant? Do you remember that scene? Well, that's exactly what the atmosphere of Earth looked like when Arian, George, Mark, Felix and I arrived back to my home planet. I cried out in fear when we arrived on the southern side of the planet. Antarctica glowed white and reflected the colorful chaos that was ensuing above it. Arian piloted the small spacecraft, dodging lasers and droids alike steering it towards the flagship.

"That's not Eclipse is it?" I asked, staring through the windshield as we started to near the vessel.

"No, Darin and Yoda are on this ship with the rest of the Jedi that are to report to Bermuda," Arian commented, "It seems that they took your advice."

"Good," I scoffed.

"Fighter to your left," Mark warned Arian swerved. The radio on the dash started to crackle.

"Knight Solo, please come in."

"This is Solo, Master Darin is that you?"

"Quite right, my young one. Please assist us in the battle against the Separatists, board our ship. There is a fighter waiting for you."

"Yes, sir," Arian responded, taking the wheel of the ship and turning it down towards the Jedi starship. Solo? Did I just hear Solo? As in Han Solo? The ship arrived in the hanger faster than I expected, and we all climbed out. George ushered Felix and me along, into an elevator while Mark and Arian disappeared in the hustle and bustle of the hanger.

"Will they be all right?" I asked, overall concerned George shrugged.

"I suppose, they are good flyers. However, Mark has never seen a battle. Only a monster."

"So, he told you about the scars."

"Of course," George said the elevator door opened and we exited the tiny tin box.

"He told me too when I was there." Felix chimed, I had almost forgotten about the fact that my little brother was standing right in front of me.

"When were you on Hoth?" I asked he smiled mischievously at me.

"I got to go there with Darin on a mission," He said winking. I laughed and ruffled my brothers hair he smiled at me and I felt proud to be his sister, his guardian. George started to usher Felix and I down the hallway. The corridor looked exactly the same as it did in Episode III when Anakin and Obi-Wan were saving Palpatine. Something that I hoped would never happen.

"George, are the prequels actually going to happen?" I asked as we walked down to a set of double doors. He shrugged and didn't answer. "George." I pressed, I wanted a semblance of an answer.

"I don't know. I saw what I saw, dreams, and I made the movies I did. If anything, that's exactly what they are. Dreams, and movies."

"But what if they happen?"

"Then they happen."

"George, do you understand?" I asked, my voice low and quiet. "You must understand, you wrote the whole damn series." I hissed, he stopped walking and turned to face me. His expression was angry, dark. His white lion mane was wispy and his beard was starting to grow out. We were all starting to feel the effects of traveling for weeks on end.

"Of course, I understand!" He exclaimed, he rolled his eyes and turned a corner. "If what I saw in my subconscious state comes true, then there is not a thing that you or I can do." He huffed, "it will be a hard time for the galaxy, but life will continue and we can only have hope that some wars are won in favor of creature and man alike." Master Yoda was walking towards us. His small green stature moving cautiously down the corridor.

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