1: Lost At Sea

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I don't open my eyes right away, but the sound of seagulls and the taste of sea water on my face. Upon taking in that fact, I snap open my eyes and try to take in my surroundings.

I'm alone on a small boat. There's open sea in every direction. I try to sit up, but an excruciating pain spreads through my head and my neck. I lie back down on the wooden floor which almost instantly eases the pain. There's nothing else in the boat except for myself.

I realize now that I have no idea how I got here, or even why. In fact, all I can remember right now is my name. I'm panicking and my breathing is starting to get shallow and fast.

I curl up in a fetal position, completely lost on what to do. Here I am, alone in an endless sea.

I know I'm scared, but I start to cry. I don't know when, but I quietly fall asleep where I am.


I'm woken by the creaks of grinding wood and large waves rocking my boat. I sit up automatically, but the pain that I once felt is more subtle and bearable.

It's nighttime, and the gleam of the water shines bright from the moonlight above me. My senses are overwhelmed by the salty air and the moisture is clinging to my skin, giving a chilled effect. I try and rub away the goosebumps that appear on my arms and legs. I can't help but admire the clearness of the sky, letting the stars make a glittery appearance.

It takes me awhile to notice a large ship close by, its sails put away. It's in a slumber state.

Considering my situation, should I try and call for help? Except fear flies through my mind of whether or not they're friendly or not. However, my rationality comes into play, reasoning that right now, my survival is the upmost concern. In fact, I'm already weak from the lack of food or fresh water. Who knows how long I've been out here.

"Hello?" I cup my hands near my mouth, attempting to amplify my voice. Something small and black darts past my peripheral vision, but it's gone.

I start waving my arms in order to try and draw anyones attention. I shout again and again until through one of the windows of the starboard side of the ship, a light shines through. I smile and breath a sigh of relief under my breath. I'm saved.

"Well, this is unexpected," I hear a voice comment from behind me. My heart rate shoots through the roof at the sudden voice, but I instantly whip around to see where the source is.

I'm met with the sight of an older boy, sitting with his legs crossed in the air. From under the moonlight, I can make out his dark hair that's pulling into a segmented ponytail. He's also not wearing any shoes and he's wearing dark colored pants. I'm instantly unsettled when I meet his sneering gaze.

"Ahoy, sailor," he teases me with a salute and a grin. "Lose your way?"

I take a gulp before I answer, "In all honesty, I'm not sure how I got here."

He lets out a single laugh, "What an idiot you are!" He continues to laugh at me, much to my annoyance.

I try to explain, "You don't understand, I don't remember anything."

He stops laughing but doesn't stop smirking, "Then you're useless." He reaches towards his chest and pulls out what looks like a wand with a red gem on the top.

My eyes widen in fear. My gut is telling me that I should run for safety, but there's obviously no where to go.

He tilts his head to the side and coos, "Awh, don't look so sad. Look at how kind I'm being towards you! I'm putting you out of your misery, so you might as well thank me before I kill you."

I shake my head and back up until my back touches the side of the boat, "Please, no! I don't want to die!" The more I plead, the more entertained he looks. He's actually enjoying this, unbelievable.

"Thank me now, and I might consider making your death a fast one," he says, twiddling the wand in his hands. Then he mutters, "I'm not guaranteeing a painless one, though."

"I'll do anything, just please don't," I plead again, ignoring his request. I can tell he's starting to get annoyed with my persistence, but I'm not going to give up.

"You're annoying me now," he says in a monotone voice. "I'm just going to kill you before anyone realizes I'm gone." He bends down in order to get a bit closer to me and an evil smile sprawls across his face while narrowing his eyes, "No one will know you existed."

He straightens himself back up, and flicks his wand in my direction, shooting a streak of light towards my way.

"No!" I shout. I squeeze my eyes shut and throw my hands out in front of me in a last attempt to block what's coming towards me.

I'm breathing heavy, waiting for the impact. But, it never comes. Confused, I reluctantly open my eyes to look at what's happening.

Only inches from my face, a sharp ice skewer is in front of me, but it's not moving. It's static in the air.

Without moving my hands from their position, I notice a strange star-like symbol vaguely glowing on the back of my right hand.

"You're a magician?" the boy shouts in anger. Still in a state of shock, I slowly move my right hand to the right in which the shard of ice moves correspondingly away from my face. His outburst distracts me, and the ice continues its path straight ahead but hits the water behind me instead of its original target.

"W-What did I just do?" I mutter, mostly to myself. I ignore the boys presence and stare at my hands. I touch the spot on the back of my hand where the symbol was. I can feel something hard underneath my skin, maybe something made of metal?

His eyebrows furrow in anger, "There's no way you could've deflected that! I won't lose to an idiot like you!" He's suddenly screaming at me, incredibly furious. He winds up his wand and begins to shoot multiple ice shards my way, a few dozen with every rapid swing of his arm.

"I am stronger than you!" He shouts at me as I continue to redirect the shards of ice into the water around the boat.

A shard much larger than the others flies towards me. I manage to redirect the shard immediately back to his direction, catching him off guard.

The shard hits him in the very center of his forehead. I watch in shock as his red-ringed eyes roll to the back of his head and he plummets head first into the water.

He's only about 10 feet away from my boat, and he's lying face down in the water.

Without thinking, I jump into the cold water after him. I hook my arms around his underarms and pull him face up out of the water. I'm flailing my legs underneath the water, desperate to get back to the only safe spot I know. It's not right to let him die like this, no matter of what may have happened within the past few minutes.

Using every ounce of strength I've got, which isn't much, I manage to push the boy into the boat. Climbing back over the side, I scoot over to his side. A breath of relief is let go as I watch his chest rise and fall. I smirk a little out of feeling pride over the bruise that's beginning to form on his forehead due to the shard's impact.  

I go ahead and sit with my knees against my chest against the bow of the little boat. As much as I'd like to, I won't sleep. He's still dangerous, and I can't keep my eye off of him for one second! 

 It's going to be a long night.

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