7: Center of Attention

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        "Don't forget for a second of who I am," he whispers. He immediately stands up and dusts off his pants. I remain lying there, completely speechless over what had just happened. In fact, I'm a little annoyed.

"Come on, we've got to go," he urges me on, as if nothing had just happened. But, I can't forget it at all. How could I? My heart's beating so fast that I feel it pounding against the inside of my rib cage.

He sighs loudly and sticks of his hand. I reluctantly take it and he pulls me up.

No words are exchanged as we continue to walk towards the exit, which isn't too far ahead since I can see the light of day.

I sneak a glance at Judal, who is walking slightly ahead of me. I swallow hard as I notice that his face his glowing red. I can't help but smirk, but only just a little.


Judal didn't waste any time getting out of the port town. He insisted that if we had stayed any longer, then the smell of the harbor would have seeped into his skin. Upon hearing that, I didn't put up a fight. However, I will miss the lively, musical nights that would take place in the Square almost every night:

"Judal, come on or we'll miss it!" I yell back at him as I drag him behind me by his wrist.

Even from this distance, I can see the orange glow of the lights reflecting off of the sky and the sounds of many, many voices singing and laughing.

"(F/n), no," Judal protests, resisting my pull on him. To my entertainment, he's not as strong as he looks which makes me pulling him easier than anticipated.

"Please, Judal," I teasingly plead, whilst letting go of him. I turn to face him and say, "You said we're going to leave in the morning. Just have some fun for once."

"Go by yourself," he says curtly. "I don't want to go, I'm tired." He turns to leave and return back to the makeshift home on the rooftop of an old house on a hill, on the outskirts of the town.

"Please wait," I call out to him. He stop and looks over his shoulder whilst saying, "What, miss me already?"

I laugh at his remark and reply, "In all seriousness, it won't be as much fun without you."

He laughs at me, bouncing his shoulders and his eyes squeeze shut, "That sounded so stupid, especially coming from you!"

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're my best friend," I say to him with a sigh, not looking at him in the eye. I hurry up and add in on the end, "But that's only by default. You're my only friend."

My words seemed to have taken him by surprise since he stops laughing and looks at me with wide eyes, but only for a moment. In the next, he's completely doubled over, laughing obnoxiously loud with visible tears on the outside corners of his eyes.

"Oh, God, you really are as stupid as you look! You really think we're friends?" he sneers with a devilish grin, jabbing a finger at me whilst slowly walking towards me. "We-" he gestures the space between us. "-are not friends."

I reach out and grab his hand once more, "Well, we are in my eyes so suck it up and follow me!" I pull him along down the hill once more, towards the noise.

Once we arrive, I can literally feel music resonating in my chest. After all of the business and the nights spent within the last few weeks, it definitely feels like a weight off of my shoulders. Now, I'm just pulling a new, loud, and annoying weight in my right hand behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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