4: Like an Animal

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        *violence is included

Something sharply pokes my side, "Oi, get up, you lazy moron."

I sit up and rub my eyes, emitting a loud yawn.

He pokes me again using his foot, "Get up faster. We're here."

I groggily open my eyes and I'm met with a bustling dock, full of parked ships and people overcrowding the pier. I can hear the buzz of the conversations of the people all around.

"W-Where's here?" I ask with a smile spread across my face. My mouth starts to salivate at the smell of food being prepared somewhere close by. I hear Judal take a bite out of something.

I look up at him and notice that he's got a peach in his hand with a fresh bite taken out of it. He speaks to me with a mouth full, "Don't know yet."

I take a dry gulp. I can't peel my eyes away from the peach in his hand.

He looks down on me and takes another bite, "Oh? Are you hungry? Got these just a while ago."

I nod my head, perhaps a little too eager because all he does is laugh.

"Sure, I'll give you one!" He smiles down at me. He pulls out an untouched peach and dangling it above me by its stem. I reach up to grab it but he pulls it away.

"C'mon, Judal!" I stand up to grab it but he just floats high in the air, out of my reach.

"Thank me first," he coos. He starts to toss it back and forth, doing tricks with it.

I hesitate and Judal decides to respond by bringing the peach to his mouth, about to bite into it.

"Fine! Fine!" I say in defeat. He smirks and circles around me. "Thank you."

"Hmm?" He teases. "For what?"

I clench my fists at my side, "Thank you for the peach."

"Oh, this peach?" He holds it up and pretends to inspect it.

"Yes," I say through my teeth. "That peach."

I make eye contact with him. Neither of our gazes waver until his eyes narrow.

"Oops," he says followed by laughter. He lets the peach drop into water and it's carried away by the tide. "Ha! You should see your face right now!"

I feel my face growing hot and I go to get off the boat. He floats beside me as if lying on his side.

"No way, are you crying?" He points at me. "Tch, that's unflattering."

I ignore him and crawl onto the pier. I start walking toward the flow of people.

"Oh, now you're ignoring me?" he continues to pester me. I still do not respond.

"C'mon, (f/n), you can't be mad at me forever," he turns onto his back and places his hands behind his head.

I want to make a snarky comeback but I know I'll lose my ground. I need to show him that I'm not incapable.

"Whatever, get lost for all I care," he finally snaps and floats in a the direction of the center of the town.

I smirk, plotting a way to prove myself. In the meantime, I'm going to find myself some food.

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