6: Grown Up

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        Upon hearing the activity inside, I hurry up and open up the door, revealing the room behind it.

It's much larger than I had previously thought. A high ceiling looms above us and what seems an infinite amount of torches line the walls with beautiful black cages protecting the flickering flames. The air is filled with happy chatter and the notes of the music played by the players dance around. There's even carts of food scattered among the walls with people loitering around them. It looks almost like an underground Town Square. This isn't at all what I had previously imagined the scenery at all.

Despite the amount of torches, the light is muted and easy on my eyes. However, it makes it much more difficult to see the faces of all of the people in the large room. Most of them are wearing intricate and expensive looking jewelry that draw attention from their face. Those without jewelry, which are mostly men, have strangely beautiful colorful face paint that mostly focuses on their eyes and the area below their cheekbones. Every single person in the room is dressed in the clothes I'd only ever assume those in the high social class can afford. Seeing these people before me now just makes me realize how much I'd better watch my step.

I slightly jump and the lightest possible touch at the small of my back. Judal very slightly presses his fingertips into my skin, urging me to move forward. I draw in a slow but deep breath and obey.

I hold in the breath I drew once I realize that many eyes are on us. I can't tell what anyone's thinking and it's going to drive me crazy. Hopefully, their attention is really on Judal and not me. That's usually how it works and for once, I'm not upset or jealous about it.

Judal leaves me side whilst mumbling a 'stay here' and makes a beeline for a large, dark skinned man in the corner. The man's presence is off-putting and the fact that there are women clinging to his arms and his sides make me feel uncomfortable. However, not as uncomfortable as I feel now that Judal has left me on my own.

Now, I feel the eyes on me. I feel underdressed compared to the extravagance of the people attending.

I feel an arm drape over my shoulders as a voice says, "Ah, first time in the district, eh?" I look up to see a tall olive skinned man with obsidian hair smile down at me. His notable light eyes stand out in contrast to his dark skin.

I laugh as I reply while sliding out from underneath his arm, "I'm just passing through. Do I stand out that much?" I quickly decided that playing dumb is just a safe way to make an impression on these people. I don't want to raise any questions.

"Sure, you're not dressed how your supposed to," he gestures towards himself, suggesting the style. "But, you walked in with that guy." He juts his thumb towards Judal, who is making hushed conversation with the large man in the corner.

"Oh, are you friends with Judal?" I ask with fake innocence. I only know what I know about Judal through what he himself has told me. I need to see his social standing with someone outside our party.

"Friends? With Judal? Only if I'd want my head on a spit," the man lets out a curt laugh.

I give him a smile, "He's not really that bad, right?"

He raises his eyebrow at me, "How about we talk about something else, err.." He suddenly places his hand on his forehead, bending slightly backwards.

"How rude of me! I've forgotten to introduce myself and also ask for your name!" he cries out. "Pardon my manners, my name is Amon," he pauses and leans closer to me, "Not really, dear. You can't come here without an alias, of course." His last comment indeed reminded me not to use my true name.

The Black Sun ; Judal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now