My Teacher's Obsession

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"Savanna time for school." Savanna heard. She got up and got dressed. She put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black and white striped shirt, a black leather jacket and her combat boots. She made her hair long dark brown hair curly l. And added some light make-up. She always dressed nicely for her mom at lest once or twice a week. She grabbed her book bag and her purce. Then headed out. She got into her van. It was an old hippies van. It was a rusty colour now it was teal colour. She stopped at Dunking Doughnuts for a bagel and hot chocolate. Then she went to school.

"Anny!!!" Savanna felt someone hug her. She saw it was her best friend, Gabby. Savanna only allowed her freinds and family call her 'Anny'. Some people call her 'Anna' that's ok with her. Or 'Ann'. "Hey look who just arrived." Gabby said. Savanna looked and blushed. Standing by his car was the schools hottest student. Damien Williams. She's had a crush on him ever since freshman year. He had shaggy black hair, icy blue eyes, tan skin, and a body to die for. He looked there way. At Savanna. He smiled at her. She felt her heart beat quicken. "Oh my gosh! He likes you!" Gabby shouted. Making Savanna blush. She looked at him again. He was walking her way. She froze when he got to her. "Hey." He greeted. "Hi." She replied, then smiled. He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "So. Um I was wandering if you'd like to go to the skate party with me tonight?" He asked. She was shocked. The most popular guy at school was asking her out?! "Oh. You don't have a ride?" She asked. 'Oh you stupid idiot! Of course he has a ride!' She shouted at herself. He chuckled. "No I have one. It's just. I like you. And wanted you to go with me?" He said. "Um yeah. I guess I could come." Savanna replied. He smiled brightly. "That's great." The bell rang before he could finish. He waited for it to finish. Then continued to speak. "Anyway. I'll pick you up at 6?" Savanna nodded. "Yeah that's fine. Here's where I live." She said writing down her address on a piece of paper. He took it, then bent down and kissed her cheek. "See you later." She nodded. Shocked beyond words.

They hurried to class. They went by. But then came 5th period. 'Health' class aka Mr. Marlowe's class. She shuddered at the thought of him. He was a very handsome man. But he seemed to have a thing for Savanna. He always looks at her in ways no teacher should look at a student. Gaby and Savanna entered Health class. Instantly Savanna felt his eyes on her. So , she quickly got to her seat in the back of class, and hid her face with her hair. Mr. Marlowe had short blondish Brown hair that was messy or spiked. Blue grey eyes, very tan, and very muscular. Savanna looked up to look at him. He was looking right back. He gave her a wink before getting up from his desk. Then he started class.

(Tyler Marlowe's P.O.V)

I was waiting for all my students to enter the room. I couldn't find my sweet Savanna. Just before the second bell rang, she and her freind walked in. Beautiful Savanna. Long dark chocolate Brown hair. Pale skin that I wanted to touch. Soft looking pink lips that just begged for me to kiss. A still maturing body. It was still a good body. Her brown green eyes held proof of her innocence. A shy girl. Perfect for me. She was now sitting at her desk. Hair hidding her face from me. Soon. She looked up at me. I gave her a wink before starting class. Savanna you. Are mine.

>>>>>pic of Savanna in her outfit

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