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(Savannas P.O.V)

During lunch Gaby and I got there tray, and sat down. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe that Damien asked you out! What are you going to ware?" Gaby asked. I shrugged. "I guess this?" I saw Mr. Marlowe looking at me his desire was very evident in his eyes. I quickly looked away. "You're outfit is good. But you need to ware some thing that will make him want to take you to the bathroom and devour you." I blushed. "Gaby!" I whispered. She smirked. Mr. Marlowe was seething. I guess he heard. What did I do? He thinks I belong to him. But I don't. I push my long bangs out of my face. "I'll come and help you." Gaby said. I agreed cause there was no use in fighting about it with her. She always wins. After school I waited for Gaby out side. She had detention. I was listening to my iPod, singing alone to the song Titanium by David Getta (sp) and swayed to the beat.

"'I'm bullet proof. Nothing to lose. Fire away Fire away. Rickshia (sp). You take your aim. Fire away Fire away. Shoot me down. But I won't fall. I am Titanium. Shoot me down but I won't fall. I am Titanium.'"

Someone grabbed me. It was Mr.Marlowe. "Hello Anna. You have a beautiful singing voice. It just..." He pulled me into him. Letting me feel his muscular body on mine, and his desire that was in his pants stabbing my belly."Called to me." He said huskly. "Mr. Marlowe. Please let go. I don't like you touching me." I said. He laughed. "No you don't." He bent down to whisper seductively in my ear. "You LOVE my touch." I shuddered in fear. "You are mine Anna. Not that boy your seeing tonight." He growled squeezing my arm. I flinched in pain and fear. "Let go. You're hurting me!" His face softened. He let go of my arm, and went to kiss me. No! "ANNY! WHERE ARE YOU!? GET YOU'RE PRETTY LITTLE A** OVER HERE!!!" It was Gaby! THANK YOU GABY! Mr. Marlowe growled. "See you tonight." He said before leaving. I froze oh no. He's coming to the starting rink? Why me?

>>>> Tyler Marlowe>>>>>

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