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Savanna's P.O.V

I've been home for two weeks with the flu. I get to go back to school today. I slipped on some very skinny jeans, a indigo t-shirt that said 'I'm not stubborn. My ways just way better'. I straightened my hair, and added some eye-liner.. I put some converts and my bag, and left. I drove to school. I smiled. Mr. Marlowe wasn't there. I almost skipped inside. I saw Mr Marlowe watching me wideyed. I mentally smirked. I went to health class, ignored Mr. Marlowe. After school, I was getting stuff out of my locker. All giddy. Damien asked me to if I could go to his cousins wedding with him this afternoon. I have a cute leach skirt I hoped he liked.

I was walking in the empty hallways, but soon I was shoved into a closet. Mr. Marlowe was glareing at me. He had me pinned. "Why didn't you tell me you was better? I've been going crazy cause I could see you." He started nuzzling my neck. I tried to push him away but it was like pushing a boulder. "I have to go Mr. Marlowe." I tried. His lips found mine. I . Struggled. He bit my lip making me gasp, allowing his tounge to enter my mouth. He was a fantastic kisser but what the hell?! He wrapped my arms around his neck. I tugged on his shoulders. He pulled away. I ran away.

At home I curled my hair,put it in a braid. I slipped on my new peach skirt, and tan tank top. I put some tan flip flops. I heard the door. I quickly added some make-up, grabbed my purce and walked out. Damien looked devilishly handsome. He was wearing tan dress pants, a blue dress shirt, and black dress shoes. He was wide eyed when he saw me. "Wow. You look beautiful." I blushed.

We left. We arrived. I saw Mr Marlowe's car. What? "Why is Mr. Marlowe's car here?" I asked. I saw Damien glared at the car. "He's the best man. Also my cousins best friend." My heart dropped. Great.

We entered. I saw Mr Marlowe looking at me. He looked handsomer. I looked away after he winked at . Damien and I sat in the front row. I looked around. The set up is beautiful.

As the wedding went on Damien held my hand. Ans every time I looked up, I saw Mr Marlowe looking at me lustfuly. After the wedding we went to the reception. Agian it was beautiful. It was a buffet bar. The food was great. The couple looked like they were so in love. Damien and I danced. I was introduced to his family. They really seemed to like me. I heard a voice clear behind me as I talked to Damien's mom. I turned. It was Mr.Marlowe. I swallowed. He smirked. "May I have this dance?" He asked, holding out his hand. I slowly took his hands. He twirled me, as he lead me to the dance floor. We swayed along with the music. "You look very tempting today my love." He said. "Um. Thank you? And can you please stop calling me that. And stop your hand." I said, his hand was going towards my butt. He chuckled. He gave my butt a quick squeeze then went back to my waist.

After the song, I ran to Damien. Later we left.

>>>savanna in her wedding outfit>>>>>>

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