beach house

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Everyone who's seen the uninvited knows that house

Savanna's P.O.V)

I pulled up to my house, and saw Mr. Marlowe's car. I froze. He stepped out of his car, looked at me, and winked before going inside. What the?! I pulled my bag on and got out. I walked inside. My teacher was sitting on my couch my mom handed him a glass of ice tea. "Oh Anny. Since you're dad had surgery on his arm. Mr. Marlowe is going to help out. Isn't that nice if him?" My mom said. He smirked at me. I put on a smile, and nodded. "Um yeah. Cool. Um. I'm going swimming. Is that ok?" I asked. My mom eagerly nodded. "Of course! Oh! Ware that cute bikini I got you!" She said. I sighed but nodded. I grabbed a soda, and headed up up my room. I put on that bikini mom got me. It was white with light pink poka dots on it. I wrapped a towel around me , grabbed my iPod and walked out.

I walked out to our boat house. It was connected to our lake. I was going to move into the boat house when I'm 18 next year.I saw some boxes inside. What? "I hope you don't mind. But I'll be staying in you're boat house." I jumped, and turned to see Mr. Marlowe. He was grin, looking me up and down. I pulled the towel closer. "Why?" I asked. "So I'm not wasting gas. You're parents insisted." He said walking closer. Making me back away. "Well just don't deck it. I'm living there next year." I said, trying to sound brave. He chuckled. I moved away and went to the gate. I slowly untied my towel, putting it on the gate. I heard a groan behind me. Pervert. I took a breath. And dove in. It was a 6 ft. jump from the cliff the house was on but who cares I love the rush.

Tyler Marlowe's P.O.V)

She was such a tease. That bikini left nothing to the imagination. I watched her swim. After I put some boxes into her boat house, I grabbed her towel, and headed to the dock on the lake. I laid it on the deck, and headed inside for a shower cause the bathroom in the boat house didn't work yet.

After my shower, I walked out in just a towel, I felt someone run into me. I quickly grabbed the person out of reflex. I looked and smirked. It was Savanna. She blushed, and she starred at my bare chest. I wish she'd touch me. This body is hers to do with whatever she wanted. She started struggling. "Let go please." I chuckled, and put my mouth onto hers. I couldn't help myself. We was both half naked and I needed her. She struggled more. I gently pulled her bottom lip before pecking her lips one last time. She ran off to most likely her room. I chuckled.

>>>Savanna's house, boat house, dock, and lake>>>>

Plz comment if u vote so ik who voted. And I need votes

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