sneaking out

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Tyler Marlowe's P.O.V)

Mrs. Lambert knocked on the door of the boat house. I got off the bed and opened the door with a smile. "Hi. I just brought you a key. We lock the doors at night so if you need inside, just use that. Oh and sorry about the boxes of pitchers. Savanna's birthday is coming up and we wanted to get a cologe together." I nodded. Getting rather happy I had access to get to Savanna and my 'place' has boxes filled with my girls photos. "That's alright." I told her. "Oh. Um our son is coming to help you in the morning. Is that alright?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled and left.

I walked to a box and grabbed a pitcher frame. It was of Savanna in a swimsuit. It had the schools colors on it. She looked younger. So she was a swimmer in middle school. She was smiling brightly. It made me smile. I heard a small rustle outside. I looked and saw a latter from a balcony. Then some one climb down. I quietly got out . I saw a flashlight turn on. Savanna? What is she doing. She walked to the forest by her house I followed. Ten minutes of following I saw her stop at a make-shift hut. "Hi guys." I heard her say. I saw her take out food. "Here you go babies." I went to take a step closer, but a twig snapped under my foot. She quickly stood, and looked around I hid. "Stay safe guys." She said, then ran off. I went back to the boat house, and fell asleep thinking.

I woke up to the sound of splashing. I rand to the window and saw my Savanna swimming. I smirked. I walked out and leaned on the deck of the boat house. Yesterday was the last day of school, for the spring. But it's always warm here in Florida. "Excuse me. You Tyler?" I turned and saw a man. He was a handsome man. Brown eyes, brown spiky hair. Pale skin. Strong jaw. "Yes." He smiled, and held out a hand. "Hi. I'm..." "Dean!" We turned to see Savanna running at us. She literally jumped him. Her legs was around his waist, arms around his neck. I felt jealously bubble in me. The man chuckled and hugged her. When he put her down I saw she was wearing a black one piece. And had a yellow light jacket on. She wrapped her arms around his waist, continuing to hug him. The man looked at me. "I'm Dean. The son." I shook his hand.

The job was to fix things around the house. And get the boat house ready. Dean helped out. I saw Gaby with Savanna sitting on her balcony. Gaby and Damien had arrived two hours earlier. I could hear the conversation. "Mmm. You should have your mom tell him to stay shirtless and ware a bow tie." I heard Gaby said. "I think can hear you, and shut up. He's our teacher." Savanna said. "Yeah. And plus I'm better looking." I heard Damien say. I looked up just in time to see him kiss Savanna. I glared. "I don't care. I'm single."


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