Locked in the Bathroom

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(Tyler Marlowe's P.O.V)all

She looked at me. I started to walk to her. She backed awaly. She looked at the door. Then tried to make a run for it. I grabbed her then lifted her and pinned her to the wall. I wrapped her legs around my waist. Her hands above her head. Desire stired within me. "Stop!" She struggled. Her moving didn't help me with mini me. I pinned her harder to the wall. "You let him kiss you. What part of 'You are mine' didn't you understand?" She had tears in her eyes. I nuzzeled her neck. " I love you so much." I moaned, giving her soft neck hot open mouth kisses. She started shaking and whimpering. "I don't love you. I don't know why you think I do." She said. "You love me just don't want to admit it." I said. She shook her head. There was a knock on the door. "Hey Savanna?"

(Savanna's P.O.V)

I was about to scream for help but Mr. Marlowe covered my mouth with his large hand. I whimpered. "Tell him you'll be out in a second." He whispered, then moved his hand to my throat. "I'll be right out." I told Damien. "Ok. The pizza will be done soon and your freind is here." "Ok." We waited. Then my teacher bent down and kissed me. It was a possessive lusty kiss. He moaned. I felt his tounge trying to get in. But I didn't let him. He shoved me tighter against the door, making me gasp in pain. He shoved his tounge into my mouth. He groaned. "You fast amazing." He said, then went back to kissing me. I felt a hand on my thigh. He put his hands inside the torn part of my leggings I squealed, and grabbed his hair. I tried to pull him off me. Pulling his hair. I couldn't breathe! He broke away. We both was panting. He smirked. "Please let me down." I breathed out. He shocked me, by letting me down. "Don't cry my love." I didn't realise I was crying. He kissed my tears away. Not helping what so ever. I felt dirty. Violated. I quickly ran to the door and after unlocking it left. Why does this happen to me? I sat with Damien and Gaby. We ate pizza, pretzels, and had soda. I tried to have fun. But just couldn't. Not with my phyco teacher watching my every move. Damien dropped me off at my house. He walked me to the door. "So I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry I kissed you without your permission. So I want to do this right. And ask you this time. Can I kiss you?" He asked. Just as I started nodding I saw Mr. Marlowe's car. Damien leaned down and kissed me. I shyly kissed him back. I felt his hands on my waist. My one hand went to his hair and pulled him closer. The other took hold of his shirt. We broke away. I blushed. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said. It looked like he hated the thought of leaving. I nodded. When he left, I quickly went inside and lock the door. I got a shower brushed my teeth to get Mr. Marlowe off me. Then went to sleep.

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