Finding a way.

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 A girl (y/a) sat alone in an alley, dazed. Her (e/c) eyes darted in every direction, trying to recognize where she was. Nothing had come to mind. She had no idea where she was. All she knew was that she needed to get out of there and try and find someplace familiar. As she got up, she leaned against the wall, walking towards the opening. When she got out, all she could do was look around frantically, hoping to see something familiar, but, she didn't. She couldn't remember who she was, or why she was there. Her (e/c) orbs went wide as the realization hit her. She didn't know where she was! She looked from side to side, noticing people staring at her. Strange people.

She ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to get away from there. She kept running and running until she couldn't run anymore. She leaned against a fence, breathing heavily. It was getting pretty dark, the sun was going to be completely set maybe within the next twenty minutes. She had no where to go. Realizing this, she slumped down against the fence and ran her fingers through her hair. "Dammit... where am I...?" Soon, she heard footsteps. Quickly she looked up, her (e/c) orbs meeting with brown orbs. "U-uhm, excuse me..." The person she was looking at was a male. He seemed to be maybe the average height, short caramel colored hair. He seemed to have been wearing a school uniform. He looked like he might have been in Junior High!

"Do.. Do you by any chance know where we are?" The male looked at her strangely, "You are in the Kanto region in Japan." "Japan...?" She got up, "Well.. thank you so much!" She bowed and then looked at her clothes and blushed, they were basically in tatters, she hadn't noticed before. The male shrugged, "Do you live around here?" She went very quiet. "I... I don't know.." "You don't know? Well, you can't stay out here. Come with me." She raised an eyebrow, "Why would I do that?" The teenage boy just smiled, "Because you have no where else to go. It's dangerous around here at night. You're only best option is to come with me." She glanced at the male and then nodded. He looked like someone she could trust, "What's you're name?" The male smiled at her, "Yagami. Light Yagami." She smiled, 'He's kind of cute.'

Soon they had reached Light's house. As Light opened the door, she looked around. "Follow me." Light had whispered. She followed him up a pair of stairs, leading her to a room that seemed to have been his room. As they entered, Light shut the door behind them and locked it. "So.... I guess the first thing is to get you out of those torn up clothes, hm?" He walked to his dresser, pulling out a Tee and a pair of shorts. "Here, put these on." She took the clothes and stood there, "Uhm.." Without saying a word, Light turned his back as she changed into the clothes.

Once she was finally in the clothes, Light turned back around. "I'm going to go downstairs and inform my parents and talk to them about you staying for a bit." She nodded, feeling grateful towards the male. As he left the room, she sat down on his bed. She looked around, 'A totally normal teenage room...' Before she knew it, minutes have passed and Light was back.

"Yagami-kun! Uh..-uhm, welcome back!" She quickly bowed down. "Hey.. Don't bow before me. It's.. a bit weird. Just call me Light. Anyways, I've spoke to my parents. They want to meet you, but not right now. They say you should get some rest first. I'll bring you up some food. They'll meet you in the morning." A blush creeped up on her face. "W-what about you?" Light smiled softly, "I'll sleep in the living room." She begun to protest, "N-No! I can't let you sleep like that for me..." Light walked over to her and patted her on the head. "Don't worry about it. I'll be back." And that was how it had all started between (Y/N) and Light Yagami. 

What's my name? (Light Yagami x Amnesia!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now