Criminals are dying off. What's going on?

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   It was a warm sunny afternoon. (Y/N) was barely able to stay awake in class, but she was trying her best. She looked over at Light and noticed that he was staring intently out the window. "Light..?" She whispered. He glanced slightly towards the side to make a small amount of eye contact, "Yes, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) Pouted, "What're you looking at?" The male shrugged, going back to staring out the window. She felt hurt. She felt he was ignoring her.

Its been almost a year now since (Y/N) was found and brought into the Yagami family. She had no memories before joining the family. They were all she seemed to revolve around. Since she's been coming to school, she's made many new friends. She seems to be very popular with the guys. She slightly enjoyed the attention, but the only guy's attention she truly care for was Light.

"(Y/N)?" (Y/N) looked in the direction of the way her name was being called. One of her guy friends stuck their head in the door of the class. School was over. She must have fell asleep. "Yes?" She watched as the shy male looked down. "I've got something to tell you." It was only (Y/N), Light, and the friend. "What is it?" (Y/N) said in a flat, monotone voice. If she didn't get this over with quickly, Light was going to leave on without her! "I.. I just wanted you to know... I love you, (Y/N). I love you a lot. You are such a great person, and I was wanting to know if you will accept my feeling and please be my girlfriend!" The friend said in a rush, quickly bowing before her. What (Y/N) didn't know was that Light heard the whole thing and already left. "Look, I can't accept your feelings. I love someone else. Please, just go. I need to get home. I'll talk to you some other time." She quickly grabbed up her stuff, before she left the room, she saw light pick something up off the ground and walked off. She quickly left the school, trying to catch up to him, but never could.

Later that night, at dinner, Sayu had turned on the news for Light. "Here Light..." She handed her brother the controller. "When you're done with it, come tell me please." She then smiled at (Y/N), winking. "See ya, sis." (Y/N) smiled, but that smile quickly dropped. "Over 20 dangerous criminals, in and out of prison, have all died of heart attacks today. We don't know the cause or why this is happening. When we get more information, we shall announce it. For now, goodnight Ladies and Gentleman." "LIGHT! Did you hear that?!" (Y/N) watched Light for a reaction. He just smirked, "It's what they get." 'Something feels off about Light..' "Light.. Are you alright?" The teenaged male just nodded his head, "I am. Criminals are dropping dead. What do you think about this, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) pondered for a moment, "I think it's a good thing. If all these criminals start dying off, this world can become better. What if someone is passing judgement on them, Light?" Light just sat there, still, "A god is creating a new world for the innocent. I think it's a good thing." She nodded in agreement.

The next day, the friend who admitted their feeling's weren't there. Light looked over at her. "Where's your friend?" She shrugged, "Not su-" "Hey, did you hear what happened?" "Yeah! He, like totally, died, like all of the criminals." (Y/N)'s blood went cold. She looked over at Light. "He..He's dead..." She looked down. She then felt a comforting hand on her head, "Don't worry (Y/N), you've got me." He smiled a reassuring at her. She couldn't help but smile back.

Once they were in class, announcements came on, 'Good morning students. I hate to bring such bad news, but one of the students at this school has died of a heart attack. We don't know what's going on, but, please be safe. You students are the future of this school.' Then it cut off. "Well, that was a bit strange, huh, Light?" Light just nods.

At lunch that day, (Y/N) was being surrounded by guys, who thought she needed some 'cheering up', but what they didn't notice was a furious Light right behind them. (Y/N) felt cornered. Before she knew it, an arm was around her. It was Light's arm! "L-Light..?" He leaned down, whispering in her ear, "Sssh. Go along with it." Then his voice rose, "Leave (Y/N) alone, she's grieving over the lost of a friend. She doesn't need a group of bumbling fools to surround her." There were murmurs within the group of males. They then decided to leave. Light then removed his arm. "Thank you Light." He just nodded at her and walked off.

When they got home, it was the same thing. The news was on. Again, more criminals have died from heart attacks. This time, Light wasn't in there. He was up in his room. (Y/N) sighed. She had a really bad feeling about all of this.

A month passed, more criminals kept dying. All the boys at her school who surrounded her died of heart attacks as well. She felt like a bad luck magnet. She felt she was the reason causing this. Light was getting distant as well. Mr. Yagami was working more then ever. All over the world, they have decided that someone was doing all of these killings. He/she has been known as Kira. 'Kira.. I respect you. I believe what you are doing is justice...' (Y/N) sighed at the thought. Maybe she was just being stupid. As long as she wasn't a criminal, she was safe. She could worship Kira. Just not in public. Most the world was already worshipping him, anyways.

One particular night, a worldwide broadcast was on. The world's greatest detective, L, was showing himself for the first time in forever. She watched it carefully. Anger built up inside her, "Kira IS justice!" She growled out under her breath. She felt threatened, even if it wasn't towards her in anyway. Though, it felt like it was. Soon after the broadcast, Light came downstairs. "Light. Are you OK? You look stressed." The male's short, usually combed down, was all over, like he had been pulling at it. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Just studying for those exams coming up." (Y/N) smiled.

Over the next few days, more than usually, criminals were dying. (Y/N) fully supported Kira, and never felt a thing for the criminals that were dying. 'It's what serves them right.' She turned off the TV that she wasn't really paying attention, and went straight to Light's room. Carefully knocking on the door, she heard a faint, "Enter." She entered and looked at Light and smiled, "Light, what're you doing?" Light was rolling around in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. "Thinking." She couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, Yeah." She sat herself down on his bed. "Do you support Kira?" It was a surprise question from Light. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile, "I do. I think he is doing this world good by getting rid of all the criminals." Light nodded thoughtfully. "Alright."

A month passed since then. Guys who kept bothering (Y/N) kept dying of heart attacks and so did more criminals. Things weren't going to well. She didn't understand why. Though, she would never question Kira. (Y/N) was pondering about this, until Light had interrupted her thoughts. "(Y/N), Come with me. I want to take you somewhere." She looked at him confused but then nodded, "OK...?" She got up, and followed him out of the school. Light had took her to the park! "Light?" "When I was younger, before I knew about the evils of this world, I used to come here with my sister. A lot of good things happened here." (Y/N) just stared at him, "So, I thought that bringing you here would maybe up one my chance."

He took a deep breath. "(Y/N), we've known each other for such a long time. I've found myself to fall for you. You are the first girl to ever make me feel this way. I want you to be mine. No... I NEED you to be mine... What do you say, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) just stared at him, then begun to laugh, "This is probably one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard." "(Y/N) I'm not joking!" She heard how stern his voice was, so she grew serious, "Light.. I feel the same... and yes, I'll be yours." Suddenly, she felt his arms around her, tight. She embraced him, "I love you, Light." 

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