Enter; Raye Penber!

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It was a warm, sunny afternoon. (Y/N) and Light were out in town, eating ice cream at (Y/N)'s favorite café. "Light..." The male looked up at her and nodded, "Yes, (Y/N)?" She looked at him, staring intently at him, "I feel like we're being watched." Light's eyebrow shot up, clearly surprised. "What makes you say that?" She shrugged, "I just get the feeling." Light sighed. "Don't worry about it (Y/N). No one would have a reason to follow us." He took her hand and squeezed it tightly. "I will make sure nothing happens to you, OK?" She nodded.

Later that day, (Y/N) had been walking around the park alone. The feeling that she was being watched wouldn't stop going away. A few times she could have sworn that she had seen a figure behind her multiple times. She just couldn't be sure about it though. She only felt like she was being watched when she was with Light, not when she had been by herself. Maybe someone was following Light! She was going to tell Light, but what she didn't know, was that he already knew he was being watched.

She went home straight away. As she entered she told her "parents" she was home and quickly ran up to Light's room, banging on the door. The brunette opened the door and stared at her, "What's wrong (Y/N)?" She frowned but then sighed, "Light. I'm pretty sure you are being followed." The brunette smirked, "I know." She frowned, "Why haven't you told anyone then?" He shrugged, "Don't worry about it. If they were after me to kidnap me I'm sure they would have already done it. They have a different motivation for following me." She bit her lip and nodded, "Yeah.. That's true." "Anyways.. I'm sure it will stop soon." She looked him in the eyes, and there was a dark glint in his eyes, but she wasn't sure what exactly it was. She just didn't want Light getting hurt.

For the next week (Y/N) stopped walking with Light, instead, she'd be way behind him, stalking him. She was doing this to find out who was stalking her boyfriend, but she never saw anyone. One day, when she was just about to give up, she finally saw the person who was stalking her beloved. Light had been turning around the corner, the stalker was about to turn when (Y/N) grabbed him by the arm and pushed him up against the wall they were standing near. "Who are you?" She growled through her teeth, "And why are you following Light?!"

The man looked like he was in his late twenties, his hair was black and had light blue eyes, "That is confidential." (Y/N) could hear a slight accent, "Are you, by any chance, foreign?" The man frowned but nodded. "My mother is Japanese and my father is American." She shakes her head, "Why are you following my boyfriend?" The man gave a sigh, "I was following you both. I stopped following you about a week ago. Light is the main suspect." 'Suspect?' "What do you mean?" He shook his head, "As I said, confidential. Now please excuse me, I have to finish my work. I won't continue to follow him soon." She nodded and let him go, "Don't do anything to him though.." He just nodded. "Wait, what's your name?" He looked back at her nervously and sighed, "Raye." Then he walked off from sight.

A few days after the encounter, she had overheard Light talking to his mother. "I'm going to be out for a while. So, I'll be back soon. See you guys." 'Light going somewhere? Why hasn't he told me?' (Y/N) quickly went to her room and got her shoes on, running back down and nodded at her mother, "I'll be back later." Her mom just nodded and she ran out of the house, silently following Light. A few minutes after following him, she noticed that he was meeting a girl at the bus stop. 'A girl? Why is he meeting up with this chick?' Fury slowly started to boil inside her, and she didn't know why. Before anything else could happen, the bus had came. (Y/N) noticed Raye was getting on after Light and that girl, so she joined, pulling up the hood of her (Y/F) jacket. As she got on, she went to the back, sitting across from Raye.

A few minutes into the ride, the bus had gotten hijacked by a criminal on the news. (Y/N) was slightly panicked. She looked over at Raye and saw Light passing a note to that girl. She watched as Raye mutter something and pulled out his ID and showed Light. Light then dropped the note and tried picking it up, but the high jacker had noticed and came to the back and pointed his gun at Light, and picked up the note. As he looked up he screamed, he begun to shoot at something that wasn't there. Soon he was begging for the bus driver to stop. The bus stopped and he jumped out, getting hit by a car as he jumped out.

Once everyone was off and safe, Light and Raye had exchanged a few words. (Y/N) looked their way, and saw the girl with Light pull him close and drag him away, and Raye go the other way. She decided to just follow Raye. Once she got him alone, she shouted out to him. "Raye!" The male turned around and sighed, "Oh. It's just you, (Y/N)." She nodded, "Yeah. Can we talk?" He nodded, "Lets go somewhere first."

Raye took (Y/N) to his favorite café. "I think this is the best place to have a casual chat, don't you?" (Y/N) just nodded. "Raye.. When are you going to stop following my boyfriend?" He raised an eyebrow, "Today is the last day. Also, boyfriend? I thought that girl he was with was his girlfriend." The waitress came by and took their order, two vanilla ice creams. (Y/N)'s fist clenched on the table. "I don't know that girl. I am Light-kun's girlfriend though. I'm upset he didn't even tell me about her, or tell me he was going out."

Raye let out a casual sigh. Before he could get a word out, the waitress brought back their ice creams, they gladly took them. "Ah, teenage love." She looked at Raye, a bit confused, "I actually was this way. My fiancee and I had just started to date. Her guy best friend wanted to take her out for her birthday, and she didn't tell me. I was jealous, because I didn't know the guy. I was even angry. I found out they were just friends, they were actually pretty much like family." He chuckles, "So don't worry about that other girl, alright?" She nodded, smiling a bit.

After the chat with Raye, (Y/N) felt better. She got up to leave, "Thank you so much Raye." He nodded, giving her a slight smile, "You are welcome, (Y/N). Don't worry about it. Keep your head high." She gave him a hug, "Goodbye, Raye. I wish you and your fiancee the best." "Thank you." Then they parted their ways, not knowing this would be the last time Raye would actually be alive. 

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