A Death Note? What's that?

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  (Y/N) was walking around the school grounds, wasting time before class was to start. Light had already went to class but (Y/N) wanted to spend some time alone before class started. She was feeling suffocated lately. Her feelings were mixed. She worshipped Kira but he killed her best friend! She wasn't sure if she wanted to get revenge or not. She shivered. The thought of actually meeting Kira to get revenge seemed kind of scary to her now.

As (Y/N) kept walking around the school grounds she ran across a black notebook. The cover of the note book read 'Death Note'. She leaned down to pick it up but then hesitated. 'Should I look in this? Maybe it's just a prank.' She still picked it up but dropped it in a panic. When she had picked up the notebook there was a sudden flash of a memory. She couldn't remember what now, but there was something. 'What the hell was that?!' She stared down at the book, and then looked back over her shoulders. 'I'll come back for it later... Maybe.' She turned around and quickly ran off to class.

When (Y/N) got into class, she was panting. She ran all the way to the classroom to quickly put some distance between her and the notebook. She quickly got into her seat, trying to catch her breath. She was able to calm herself down before anyone could notice, except for Light. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" He whispered to her, concern in his voice. She shook her head and place the best fake smile she could, "I was all the way on the other end of the school. The bell was about to ring and I didn't want to be late, so I ran." As if right on cue, the bell rung, signaling the start of the day.

Throughout class, all (Y/N) could think about was that strange notebook. She knew she had remembered something, but now it was hard to even remember the notebook in the first place. She was going to go get it though! She was very curious about it. She NEEDED to know more, so she made the decision to go get it at the end of the day. She went through the day, not paying any attention to what was going on around her, nor was she giving any attention to Light. "(Y/N), did you hear me?" "Huh?" She looked at him slightly confused, "What? Sorry.." The brunette sighed, "What's with you?" She shook her head, "Nothing." Right as she said that, the bell rung, ending the school day, "Light, please go on home without me. Please, I have things to do." The brunette just shrugged, grabbing his bag and then headed out of the class. (Y/N) watched out the window and watched Light leave the school grounds before she ran all the way to where the notebook was.

When (Y/N) got to where the notebook was, it was gone! All that was left was a half sheet of paper. She still picked up the paper, something inside had been telling her to. When she touched the paper, she got the same sensation she had when she picked up the notebook. One by one, her memories begun to come back, to fast for her to even process! It was all a doozy, she couldn't keep her mind straight! She closed her eyes tightly, opening them after a minute. When she opened her eyes, there stood a strange creature. This creature was very skeletal, with long, spinal cord like arms and bone-like shine. On it's face was marking that was purple. (Y/N) instantly recognized her as Rem, a shinigami.

"Rem!!!" she lunged herself towards the female shinigami and hugged her tightly, "How have you been?" Rem gave something that seemed like a smile, "(Y/N), it has been a long time." (Y/N) nodded, "It's so good to see you! Wait, Rem, is my plan still in motion?" The shinigami nodded. "The second owner of your Death Note is still alive and well. She's going to make an appearance, and she might be known as the second Kira. Soon, just as you planned, your Death Note will be fully back in your hands. For now, keep that slip of paper. Each time you aren't holding a piece of the Death Note, your memories will leave you once more." (Y/N) nodded slowly, "All according to plan.. You should get bucket whoever owns the Death Note now. I'll see you around, Rem." The shinigami nodded, flying off.

(Y/N) held the paper tightly. She remembered everything now. She originally came from America. She had found the Death Note there. She had finally been able to eliminate all of the criminals in the country. She was respected, the president even accepted her! Then L appeared... He challenged her. He was so close on her heels. So, she went to the second country that had the most criminal activity. Japan. When she got there, it seemed like L was more close to finding her. Eventually, she gave up all of her memories of the Death Note, though, she had begged Rem to get rid of all of her memories, she knew what she was doing. When all of it came back, she felt great. She know knew how she could help the Kira she was worshipping so much. She would find them, and be of good use to them. She would help cleanse the world, but for now, she couldn't keep her memories. She still needed to be clueless.

When (Y/N) got home, she ran right up to her room, but before she did, she had to give her results to her mom, then went up to her room, slamming the door shut. When she had the door closed, Light was sitting on her bed. He got up, and got closer to her. "(Y/N)." She bit her bottom lip, her (E/C) orbs avoiding his caramel colored ones. "Yes Light?" What happened next, she didn't expect. He pulled her into a tight hug, his lips crashing on hers.

The shock made her push him back, "L-Light?!" Her face was beat red, but he just pushed her against the wall, smirking slightly, " (Y/N).." He ran his fingers through your hair, "You have such lovely (H/C) hair. I'm lucky to have you as mine." He nuzzled his face into her neck, "I love you, (Y/N). I swear to you, we'll have a perfect world." She just smiled and wrapped an arm around him, "Yes we will Light.." 

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