Belonging to Light Yagami.

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   It was only a few days since (Y/N) and Light got together. Light still treated her the same way. (Y/N) wanted to be more affectionate though. One day, as they sat outside for lunch, she spoke up. "Light... Why won't you be-" Before she could even ask the question, she felt an arm wrap itself around her shoulder, "Hey, (Y/N)-chan!" It was her friend Yuki. "H-Hey Yuki-kun..." The male smiled at her, rubbing his cheek against hers, "How's my favorite friend~?" She nervously smiled, "I'm fine, really." She spoke to Yuki, completely oblivious to the hateful look Light shot at Yuki. Once Yuki had left, no words were said between the two. Light spoke not one word to her throughout the whole day, not even on the way home.

Light's silence was bothering (Y/N). "Light?" He said nothing. "Light! Why won't you speak to me?" He still said nothing. "Light.." A pang of pain hit her right in the heart. Tears begun to build up, "You keep treating me the same way, and now you are ignoring me! What have I done?!" The tears were pouring. She was breaking into sobs. This stopped Light. He turned around, and in one quick, swift stride, he already had his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I'm just... jealous." She frowned. "Why?" He shrugged, "Your friend." She sighed and buried her face into his chest. "I love you." He kissed the top of her head, "I love you as well, (Y/N)."

After that day, Yuki never hung around again. (Y/N) wasn't bothered by it though. All of her friends stayed away. She didn't know why, but she didn't care. She had Light. He was all she needed.

'I wonder where Light went off to..' (Y/N) sighed. Today, Light was being weird. He had went off without her, leaving her to eat lunch on your own. She went to their usual place, sitting here alone, eating lunch in quiet.

She was startled when her phone went off, signaling that she had a text. She quickly opened it.

'From: Light ❤

Babe, I'm sorry that I can't be there with you for lunch. I'm not going to be there for the rest of the day. I've got some things to do. I'll see you at home.

I love you, (Y/N).'

She smiled to herself, then shut her phone, stuffing it into her pocket. She went on throughout the day, bored. She was surrounded by many guys since was Light. Things were just norma. Until she got home.

When she reached the house, she opened the door. "I'm home!" She took off her shoes, and walked straight in. The lights being off.'Huh? This is weird... No one seems to be home.' "(Y/N)." She jumped. "L-Light?" She felt herself being pushed up against the wall. "Light!" She then felt lips crash against hers. She tensed, but then relaxed and beginning to kiss him back. Their lips started moving in sync until he pulled away. "(Y/N)... You are mine and no one else's, you understand? Even when I'm not home, NO guy is allowed near you. Only I am. You belong to ME. Not them. Do you understand? I will KILL them.

She just giggled, thinking he wasn't being serious, just being jealous. She leaned up and pecked his lips, "I love you Light." She heard a growl escape from the male's lips. "Light?" The male shook his head and pulled her close, holding tight. "No one else can have you. You are mine..." "Light. What were you doing earlier?" He was quiet for a moment, "Nothing important. I just needed to leave. I couldn't stay there for the rest of the day." He pulled away, "If you need me, I'll be in my room." He then turned on the lights, heading up to his room.

The next day, the guys had all died. From heart attacks. 'Kira?' (Y/N) sighed. She didn't fully know what was going on. Nor did she think that she wanted to.

She had no idea what her boyfriend was doing, or who he really was, or more like WHAT he was and was becoming.. She was going to find out one way or another though, even if it wasn't in a good way.

She sighed as she sat in Light's room. "Light.. What're you doing~?" She cooed. "Studying. Maybe you should too, you know. This is very important to mom that we get into this university. Wouldn't you think so?" She sighed, "Maybe. I will later. Right now I just want to spend time with you.." Light got up from his seat, sitting right down on the bed beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist, laying his head on her shoulder. "(Y/N), we really need to get into this university. So, please study? For me? I don't want to go without you." (Y/N) sighed and then smiled, "Fine. Just for you, Light." She quickly kissed him, getting up and heading to her room, not realizing that the whole time he had been writing down the names of criminals who would be dying off soon. 

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