Becoming a Yagami.

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  It was ten o'clock when she woke up to the sound of soft knocking on the door. "Hey.. You up?" You heard the voice of Light and quickly got out of the bed, opening the door. "H-hey!" She smiled slightly, "Sorry.. Just woke up." A chuckle had escaped from Light's lips. "I can tell. You're hair is all over the place." She blushed and quickly brushed her hair down with her fingers. "Y-yeah.." "I only came up her to tell you that breakfast was ready. Want to come down with me?" He slightly smiled at her. He then turned around and walked downstairs, her following him close behind. "I'm so nervous.." Light looked back at her and laughed, a low laugh. "I'm sorry. My parents and sister don't bite. So you have nothing to worry about. She nodded, smiling at him.

When they got downstairs, he led her straight to the kitchen. "I'll be right back. I'm going to help mother set out the food." She nodded nervously, "Alright." After a minute women with short, brown hair just about her shoulders came out. Her dark colored orbs met her (e/c) orbs. "Why, hello. Are you the girl Light was telling us about last night?" She nodded, "Y-Yes ma'am." "I'm Yagami Sachiko. Please call me Mrs. Yagami though. My husband will be in here shortly." She nodded, Light then walked back in, setting down plates of food. "I've also have a sister. She's currently staying at a friend's, so you'll meet her when she gets back." Light sat down beside her, "Thanks for dinner." Mrs. Yagami turned on the TV, it was a broadcast of the recent new criminal. You looked over at Light, watching him as he paused, then went back to eating.

After most everyone was done eating, an older man walked in. He was wearing a pair of glasses, and was fairly tall, but fit for his age. His hair was a dark brown, going on black. His eyes were the same caramel color as Light's. "Dear," Mrs. Yagami got up and wrapped her arms around the man, who was apparently her husband, "This is the girl that Light was telling us about last night." He looked into your (e/c) orbs and then nodded, "I'm Yagami Soichiro. Call me Mr. Yagami, please." She nodded quickly, "Y-Yes sir!" "Welcome back father." She heard Light, in a monotone voice. "You were late for dinner, dear!" Mrs. Yagami whined. "I'm sorry... They had me working longer tonight. It wasn't planned." She looked towards Light, confusion clear on her face, "My father works for the Japanese Task Force." She nodded, but then frowned, "What's the Japanese Task Force?" Light looked at you strangely, so did Mrs. Yagami and Mr. Yagami, "It's the police force in Japan." She blushed, feeling stupid. "What's your name?" Mrs. Yagami suddenly asked. "My... name?" "Your name. What is it?" She heard Light ask as well. "I.. I don't know. I don't remember." She looked down, sad. "(Y/N). That's what your name will be from now on." "Light!" Mrs. Yagami gasped. "That's a good name for her. (Y/N) Yagami. A good addition to the family.

She looked up at them in surprise. "A-are you sure? You don't even know me. You're willing to just take me in?" 'I'm so glad they aren't going to kick me out... If they did, I literally have no idea what I will do!' She internally sighed a sigh of relief. "Why yes, of course dear!" (Y/N) smiled widely, looking towards Light. "Congratulations (Y/N), for now you will stay in my room until we can clear an extra room for you. Then I will help get you enrolled in my school, along with me in my classes." Light then got up, heading straight up the stairs, not saying anything else. It seemed like something was bothering him.

'What's wrong, Light-kun?' (Y/N) wanted to ask, but no words came out. (Y/N) shook her head. "Does Light-kun usually go to his room right after breakfast?" Mr. Yagami just nodded, "He studies a lot. It's just what he spends most his time doing." (Y/N) smiled at the thought,'Such a cute guy, and smart!' (Y/N) got up from the table and then bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Yagami and then ran up to Light's room.

"Light-kun!" (Y/N) burst through the door. Light was on the laptop, typing something that looked like an email. "Light-kun..?" Light looked up and smiled slightly at her. "Hey (Y/N), I'm just getting your enrollment started. You should be able to start Monday. Lets see... Tomorrow is Friday, I've got nothing to do, the teachers will just be going over old material. I can skip classes and show you around the school tomorrow. Are you nervous?" Light smirked slightly as he asked the question. "N-no! I'm prepared.." (Y/N) sighed, giving up. "OK, Yes, I am nervous."

Before she knew it, Light asked a surprising question. "Where are you from (Y/N)?" (Y/N) looked at the male, shock clear in her expression. "I have no idea, Light-kun. Before you had found me yesterday, I had woke up in an alley. I don't remember anything before that. I just knew I had to get away from where I was at that moment."

Light let out a shaky sigh. "You've probably got amnesia." (Y/N) frowned. "Light-kun..." The teenage male stared at (Y/N), clearly in a daze, "For someone with amnesia, I'm surprised. Most people who've gotten amnesia have never woke up in an alley. I wonder... Mayne you might have been being chased, or something more dangerous." (Y/N) grew panicked, she didn't know what Light was getting on about, but it was weird. "Light-kun..." She was cut off, "Please, just call me Light." He shrugs, then goes back to his email. "When I'm done with this, I'll get out." (Y/N) sat down on the bed and pouted. After a while, she went out. Mr. Yagami had given her the money to go shopping for new clothes. She spent the whole day shopping and got home. She laid in bed, but couldn't sleep. She was so happy.

After what felt like forever, (Y/N) eventually fell asleep. She didn't remember falling asleep, but, she was glad she got some sleep. A lot had happened in just one day. She had woke up to the smell of breakfast. 'It smells delicious... I wander what's being cooked.' She got up and put on her (Y/F/O). Then she went to the bathroom and washed off her face, then headed straight downstairs. "Hello, (Y/N)." You saw Light sitting at the end of the table, with his eyes shut, but eating his breakfast. "Light-ku-... Light, good morning." A small smile curved at the tip of Light's lips. "I get to show you around today. I'm glad you are already to go." A sudden rush of joy filled (Y/N) as she went and hugged Light tightly. "Thank you so much Light!!!" She let go quickly and muttered an apology.

After eating, Light and (Y/N) walked to school. It was a beautiful, clear morning. The sun was shining pretty bright, but the sunlight had felt good on (Y/N)'s skin. They walked on for about twenty minutes, chatting as they did so, until they had finally appeared in front of the school. "Well, time to show you a 'tour' of the school..." After the tour (Y/N) was more confident about coming to school, though she knew the girls didn't like her, considering they kept glaring at her as she walked through the hallways with Light. "Thanks a lot Light! I can't wait till I can finally join you here.." Light just slightly nodded. Afterwards, things went by quick at the Yagami household. 

What's my name? (Light Yagami x Amnesia!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now