I will never want to date you while I can learn to hate you.
If you somehow learn to love me, well, that's just my luck.
I would never care if you only wanted my friendship,
but somehow you're disappointed that I'm not a slut.
In my mind there is no doubt that you've been in
and out of many different backseats, many times before.
I can always see your defeat when I won't leave the front seat.
And it seems your disappointed that I'm not a whore.
-'Cruise Control': AFI
Ch. 4 - Flirting 101 & A Prostitutional Democracy
Monday was a whoreible day.
Brynn had made me her own personal makeover project.
I wore dark wash skinny jeans, a silvery, cleavage baring blouse, a black leather jacket, and black ankle boots. It was all my clothing except the top, which was, of course, courtesy of Brynn.
She had straightened my glossy brown locks and applied minimal mascara and a pink lipstick. She had tried to convince me to wear red but after I adamantly refused, claiming it was a hooker's color, she said she'd 'save it for later'. Whenever later was.
I tried to keep a cool demeanor and a discreet lookout for Diesel as I walked down the hall.
I was nervous to say the least. Was I ready to take on the guy who had all the girls in school-heck, in town!- eating out of the palm of his hand? No, not really.
My inner cheerleader was chanting, "You can't do it, no you can't, he's gonna end up in your pants!" Great to know I have such positive self motivation skills.
The one thing that was encouraging me was the looks I was receiving from the guys. Even when their girlfriends were right next to them, they looked.
It was like mental encouragement. I stood up taller and smiled a bit less nervously.
Having already gone to my locker-and having my pep talk with Brynn- I made my way to homeroom. Diesel wasn't in any of my classes until third period World History.
But considering all the male attention I was getting, maybe I didn't have to wait to practice my flirting skills.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The time had come. Time for me to face my destiny. Which was apparently Diesel Arlex. What a bleak destiny.
I walked into World History, a bit more confident than this morning. I had had five guys ask me out. I mean, I had gotten asked out before but five in one day? I was on a roll. It made me feel good, great actually. Maybe this whole dressing up thing isn't too bad. Not that I would tell Brynn that.
But I didn't want to get too cocky. After all, I would go back to being regular Vivianna after this. That thought upset me a bit. I liked this carefree, confident side of me.
I slid into my usual desk, flipping open my books and such.
I felt a sudden weight on my desk to see one of the jocks, Peter Samuels I think, leaning against it.
"Hey pretty lady."
I eyed him, annoyed. "Did you seriously just-never mind I understand completely." I was questioning how he would get any girls with a hook like that, when I saw the pretty much invalid look on his face. Meat head.

عاطفيةAlyssandra Cameron is a college hockey phenom, the starting forward for the Timberwolves, and is well on her way to making it in the big leagues (once she fights her way into the old boys club). At least, she was, before the tragic death of her pare...