The Concrete Room

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Sierra awoke, head pounding. At first, she believed she got drunk or something at the game, and was hungover.

"Jesse?" She called his name, and received no answer. "Jesse?" She cried louder, once again being answered by silence.

Then, suddenly, Sierra recalled what had happened to her. She tried to remain calm, like her dad had always taught her to in an emergency situation. She scanned her surroundings.

Sierra observed that she was in a cold, damp concrete room. She was lying on a cot that was covered by a worn down quilt. Standing up and looking around some more, She realized that there were two doors. 

Sierra tried the first one, only to find it locked. She turned the knob on the second door, and grinned when she realized it was unlocked. She pushed open the door, only to find a small bathroom behind it.

Inside the bathroom were a small sink, medicine cabinet, toilet, shower, and cupboard. Sierra peeked into the medicine cabinet and cupboard to find toiletries and towels- her kidnapper must not be completely evil after all. 

She walked back into the concrete room and looked around. Other than the cot, there was also a dresser filled with clothes- all her size. Sierra just shrugged it off and sat on her cot. She had to have an escape plan.

There were no windows, so that was obviously out. She wasn't sure if her kidnapper would ever come in her room, so the door was out of the question. Sierra didn't know if there were any other ways in which she could escape from.

Suddenly, she heard a click coming from the door. Someone was coming in! She heard another click. And another. And another. Finally, the door swung open to reveal a man who, from her perspective looked to be in his early twenties. She couldn't tell for sure, because he was wearing a mask that kept his face well hidden.

"Hello, Sierra" He said in a deep, husky voice.

"You must be terrified right now, so you don't have to say anything...I'm just here to explain some things. 

"First off, you are here for a reason. I cannot go into detail about that right now, but eventually i will explain.  Secondly, you are not permitted out of this room. Ever. Trust me, it's for your own protection."

"Why should i ever trust you? You kidnapped me! You took me from my family!" Sierra was angry now.

"I know, i know, and I'm sorry, but this will all work out, i promise. Now if you excuse me, i need to go and take care of some things."

With that, the masked stranger turned and started toward the door.

"My name is Simon, in case you were wondering."

Simon closed the door, which creaked as it shut. 

Sierra heard the locks click, and she knew she was alone once again. After all she'd been through, it was that piece of information that made her break down and sob.

-hey peoples =p
I know the chapters are so short, but that's just how I roll. You're just gonna have to deal with it.

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