The Truth

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Hey. How long has it been since I updated last time? Sorry about that...writers block shows no mercy. I finally came up with something good .
I'm going to try to make this update a bit longer. No promises, tho.

For those of you who have already read this chapter, read it again. I don't want to change the title and I dont like what I did so I'm changing what "the truth" is.

Simon couldn't believe what he was hearing.
A coma. That happened to other people. Not her. Not Sierra. And it was all his fault. If only he had just saved Jesse for one of the guards. But no! He just had to save it for himself, without even thinking about Sierra.

Simon tries to calm himself down. He thinks about all the good things that could come out of this. He could get more work done- as in think of better strategies to keep the Banks, and most importantly Sierra, safe. He could hire more guards. All the current ones need to be fired, it's their job to prevent those idiotic group of thugs from even making it past the gate.

Jesse was a part of a powerful gang. They don't really have a name, but they don't really need one. Plenty of people are scared of them as it is.

Simon's men don't know who the leader is. Supposedly, only a few people do. Jesse was one of them. But he took that secret to the grave.

Sierra's father is very, very wealthy. His father, Sierra's grandfather, invested in many small businesses over the years. It paid off, and he died with millions of dollars in his bank account. It all went to Richard, which is her father's name.

His family has no idea about the money, and Richard had intended to keep it that way. That is, until The Gang found out about it. Mr. Banks hadn't done anything, but who wouldn't want an extra seventy five million dollars in their pocket?

When Mr. Banks refused to hand over the money, he made his future family a target. Now they are in danger, and it's up to me to help them.

When sent threatening letters in the mail, Sierra's mother found out about the money, The Gang, and the danger they were in. That's why she hired bodyguards to protect her children when they were born.

Sierra is going to want answers, and he's going to have to supply them. He loved her too much and for too long to keep the danger she was in away from her.


Simon rubbed his eyes as the doctor shook him awake. His now small frame shot out of the hospital chair he'd been sleeping in. He hadn't been eating much since Sierra fell into a coma, only when the doctor forced him to. Even then, he'd fought her, sometimes becoming aggressive and punching the walls. There were many holes in the hospital cafeteria to prove it.

"Sir, the girl opened her eyes. She's awake."

With wide eyes, Simon ran into her room, not even bothering to ask whether or not he was allowed to.


Sierra blinked. She sat up in bed, yawning."Simon! What happened!? I-I remember your fight with Jesse...but that's it. Why am I in the hospital?"

Simon sighed. "He shot you, love. You were losing a lot of blood, and I brought you here." He ran a hand through his hair. "You were in a coma for four weeks"


Sierra seemed to be taking this information very well.

"What's going on?"

There it is. Simon hesitated, he wasn't sure how to respond.

"Jesse...he was part of a group of bad people. Very bad. Your family owed them money, and didn't pay it back soon enough. That's why they're trying to kill all of you."

"I-I just can't believe this...wait...did you say was? Jesse was?"

"One of my guards killed him after he shot you. It's...what your mother would have wanted."

Simon couldn't stand lying to Sierra, but it was the only way he could do his job and also get her to trust him. He was doing this for her.

"Thank you, Simon. For saving my life." The two were only a few inches apart by now, and Simon was breathing heavily.

"No problem, it is my job anyway." Simon laughed.

In the heat of the moment, Simon leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Sierra was shocked, and didn't move. Because of this, Simon pulled away, looking flustered.

"I...I'm...I'm sorry" And with that, he turned on his heel and bolted out of the room.
Wow. They kissed. But he's lying to her...this doesn't feel right, does it? What's gonna happen?
Also, it would be awesome if someone could design a better cover!

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