33rd and 34th question

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Loki, how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?



Why in Odin's beard would you expect me to know that?!

First of all I am not familiar with your Midgardian creatures and second of all I have better things to do than answer that. But since Thor's going to make me anyway my best guess is that

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


if peter pepper picked a pack of pickled peppers then where's the pack of pickled peppers which peter piper picked? foolish PUNY humbug insane person = LOKI

muwahahahahahaha *appears behind Loki in the TARDIS* :D


Why do you ask me such pathetic questions?! I do not know we're this mortal you speak of left his pack of pickled peppers, whatever that is.

I assume that

The pack of pickled peppers which Peter pepper picked is wherever petter pepper left his picked peppers which he picked.

Do not insult me mortal! Besides you say you are not a mortal but Time Lords or in your case "Time Ladys" are not immortal. Therefore the title mortal fits you well. And pathetic mortal fits you perfectly.

Now stop pestering me with your pathetic insults and do not bother me again.

-the awesome and not foolish puny humbug or insane Loki!

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