Hey Loki, Erin here! Sorry I haven't spoken to you for a while, I haven't really had any questions. But I have some now!
Did you know Ragnorak is prophesied to happen on February 22nd 2014, which is 18 days from the time I'm posting this? Is this prophecy correct? Are you planning something? ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HEIMDALL?!?! We, your army, would be glad to help...
Indeed this prohesy is set for this date but for it to be fullfilled it would require me to kill my other brother Baldr, and be put in prison, tied to a rock with snake venom dripping all over my face, then escaping and starting Ragnorok. So I highly doubt this prohesy will come to pass any time soon. Besides, I'd rather remain alive for many ore centuries to come i will not end the 9 realms because of a foolish battle with Heimdall. As much as I detest heimdall im not going to kill him. Not all prohesies come to pass so this one may or may not happen some day, I dont know.
I appreciate that yu'd all join my side on the event of Ragnorok but it wont be necessary for at least another thousand years.
Loki I'm sure if you took another guess you would know. although I guess you wouldn't think I exist... stupid "god".
I'm a dark angel
so did you know? and have you seen the show supernatural? if so who is your favorite, Dean, Sam, Cas, or Crowley?
No I have not seen this TV show, nor do I care to watch it. I do not spend my time watching TV shows all day.
A dark angel. Is this supposed impress me?
call me stupid one more time you insolent creature and I'll make sure you live the rest of your pathetic existence wishing you had never been born.
(Thor- LOKI!)
What, she pissed me off.
Hey Loki I write my first ficfan about you and a girl I really want you to read it and Tell what you think. please hidden also did you tell thor about jane yet unhidden Also do you want A graud wolve/dog I know someone whose wolve/dog had puppies and he has one he said its too small and he wants die because he is too small I got him from him but I have no room to keep him since I got kick out of my home and no one wants me around. DO you want him also do know when i can live.
first convince me of why I should waste my time reading fan fiction.
(Thor- Loki, be nice and read the mortal's story!)
Ask Loki, The God of Mischief
FanficGreetings Mortals. As part of my punishment in Asgard for attempting to do something useful with your race, my "father" Odin is forcing me to answer any of your ridiculous and useless questions you may have. Im warning you pathetic mortals now, do...