Chapter 4.2: Wake Up!

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Later that night, I collapsed into bed after my run. Running was my go-to sleep ritual, driving away potential nightmares, and visions. Despite my best intentions, a dream crept through the exhaustion. Like a good dream often does, the whole thing felt real.

I was in the neighborhood forest, running. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I knew I'd find it in the forest. A stream of black hair caught my notice. That woman from before...she never left the forest. She was always there. The forest told me so. However, she wasn't what I needed to find, and I disregarded the urge to follow her again.

In front of me, a curtain of ivy blocked the path. Beyond it, I knew I'd find what I was looking for.  drew back the lush green curtain, and the other to shield my eyes from the sunlight that began to pour through the opening.

A grassy meadow beckoned, and laying in the middle was someone I didn't expect to see ever again: Rosalind.

"Come lay with me," she said, sitting up to smile invitingly.

Golden leaves glittered on the floor of the meadow as I glided to my dead sister's side. Each step was punctuated by a satisfying crunch. In the beams of sunlight, floating leaves and petals descended in tandem.

When I reached Rosalind, it didn't fully register I was with my sister. A few weeks before, I'd seen her in a casket. It hadn't been her really, but the housing was quite convincing. Several differences were apparent, like the eyes that were glued shut, and the slack mouth. Flowers wouldn't bring her back, and prayers were likewise as useless. Dreams were the key to resurrection.

Rosalind's dress wasn't really a dress so much as it was shining energy emanating from her body. I didn't have anything on either, just an inner light that gave the illusion of clothing. As I carefully laid down next to Rosalind, the light shifted and moved like a dress, refracting a multitude of colors.

I had so many questions to ask, but the left my brain as soon as I thought of them. I wanted to know how Juliet was, or whether or not God existed. However, I began with the one thing stuck on repeat:

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

She put a finger to my lips, the smile never slipping. "There's no time for that. Soon, you'll wake up and forget most of this. I need you to remember...keep your mouth closed. No matter what, don't let it in."

"Let what in?"

Trees surrounded the meadow, creating a private room in the middle of the forest. Beyond the trees, I spied another dark flash. Rosalind turned her head in the same direction.

"It's already here," she said. "There's nothing I can do to help you now. The path is set."

A feral grunt sounded from the trees, increasing in volume with each passing moment.

"Why can't I stay with you?" I was anxious, and the grunting worsened the feeling.

"You'll see me again. At the end of things."

"I don't want to go." Tears streamed down my face.

"You won't really be leaving, just as this isn't really a dream. You know that, don't you?"

Growling drowned out Rosalind's words. Something was circling us, waiting for me to leave the safety of the meadow. Two bright eyes flickered from amid the dense flora.

I couldn't help shivering. "When I leave, will that thing come for me?" 

"Yes. When you sit up, your nightmare'll begin. Don't open your mouth." Rosalind sat up abruptly.

Forgetting all that Rosalind had told me, I followed her lead and sat up as well.

In an instant, the meadow vanished. I clutched a down comforter, blinking several times to adjust to the darkness of the bedroom. I was about to sigh, but for no reason at all, I knew I should not open my mouth. Where had that thought come from?

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