Chapter 12.2: Deader'n' a Doornail

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Instantaneously, I awoke. Seemingly, no time had passed. However, the pain screaming between my thighs said otherwise.

I raised up on my elbows, scanning the lot for the creature. For the moment, he was nowhere in sight. I assessed the damage done to my body.  When I pulled my legs apart, they were sticky with I didn't wanna know about.On the inside of my thighs, purple bruises bloomed. 

A wave of nausea rolled through my abdomen, hardening it with a sharp ache so intense that I cried out.

"Shhh," a whisper cautioned. "That was a contraction. They are closer and closer together. Brace yourself, as there will be many more."

Something patted my head, and then the Uzita showed itself, peering in between my legs with the cold eyes of a doctor.

"Hmm, almost ready. When I say, push."

"No, no, I won't do it!" I sobbed.

Pain drained me, scaring me more than the threat of my impending death. As a show of defiance, I squeezed my legs together. It laughed at my minuscule effort, wrenching my legs apart. Again, I closed them, staring the monster down through my tears, mouth drawn into a taut line.

"You've no choice in this." With a flourish of its hands, my legs opened wide and invisible bonds held them.

I played my last card. "You can't make me push."

"It will be a far less painful death for you if you push. Otherwise, he will claw his way out."

A he. The Uzita said it with such confidence. I doubted the boy about to bound out of me was going to be a cute bundle o' joy.

"Who is—?"

The creature uttered slipka, and my voice was silenced.

"Now that you are forced into the utmost levels of compliance," it brought Rafe's brown eyes level with mine, "push."

Another contraction wracked my abdomen. The compulsion to push was tempting, but I held back, not ready to sign my death warrant just yet. When a stronger contraction ripped through, I pushed instinctively, and it was all the consent the demon needed.

The thing inside me shifted, sliding closer to freedom with every contraction.

Eyes were stark wide, I tried to reason with myself. This was not happening! Each contraction was immensely painful, comparable to the biggest bowel movement of my life. All I could do was push, push, and hope for that moment of relief as the Uzita's face lit up in triumph.

"Keep going!" The tone was that of an encouraging father-to-be.

Defying him was beyond me. I could see nothing else but the desire to have it out of me, to breathe again unhindered by pressure and pain. I felt the Uzita cradle of the protruding entity exiting my body.

On the next contraction, I pushed wildly. The Uzita pulled gently, and the demon spawn slipped free. I fell back, panting, waves of immediate release washing over me. The Uzita swaddled the demon in its arms, tears standing in red eyes that used to be Rafe's. I barely registered the surrealness as blood and energy poured from my body.

I struggled to keep my eyes open, to keep my will anchored to the earth. A gentle tug promised an escape from everything.

The Uzita set the baby down on a nearby blanket, its tiny arms struggling. For a drowsy moment, I wondered why he had done that. Then, as the baby's body began to elongate and stretch at an alarming rate, I understood why. Its legs and arms shot out like weeds, the head bobbling out to gain more mass. The newborn skin became tight, appearing to split open, but it held, all the blood vessels and muscle cords visible underneath. Within seconds, the flailing baby on the blanket was a full grown man. Blood covered his body, but he was a strong, handsome specimen.

He sat up, saying, "Mother."

His voice was not the terrifying multi-toned voice that the Uzita had, but silky and seductive. If I had not been committed to dying, the desire to follow that voice would have been strong.

As it was, at the sight of his mirror eyes, I cringed and allowed the pull to carry me away.

...far away...

I was lighter than ever felt before, going higher and higher. I saw my body, the Uzita and Demon-God bending over it expectantly. A strange mist swirled over my skin, like a new home buyer poking about for flaws. Finally satisfied, the mist channeled itself in through my chest. My body arched upward to take in a new host.

When the mist was not longer visible, my eyes opened slowly. Except, they were not my eyes. Not anymore. Their silver sheen reflected the fluorescent light from the underground lot. The demon-god grabbed my hand and murmured lovingly in an unknown language.

Their silver eyes held, and he said one thing I did understand: "Lillith."

"Samael," she breathed.

Even though I was very high up, distance was not a problem. I  viewed the scene as though inches from it.

Lillith broke off from Samael's intense gaze, making a rude gesture I could only interpret as displeasure at her appearance. Samael's mouth spread into a smile, baring his teeth, sharp teeth. If I'd still had a heart, it would have skipped a beat.

To appease her, he waved a palm over her, a glow emanating as he transformed her. The blood and dirt instantly dissolved. Her hair was beautifully styled, and a white flowing gown had replaced my torn dress.

She gave a nod, and sat up with the aid of Samael. Her eyebrows came up at the sight of his naked body, and he seemed to summon black robes from the air.

Hand in hand, the two gods were ready to start a new tribe. In a blur, they disappeared from the lot, leaving the Uzita confused and alone.


A/N: A demon baby. Where've I heard that one before? :D

This chapter is dedicated to my newest follower, Angel_Of_Fortune. Thanks for reading!

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