Chapter 24.2: What to do When Your Husband's Possessed

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For long moments, the Uzita was able to drink from me. I was powerless, with my consciousness fading fast. My fire lore heated up the surface of my skin in my defense. At 200 degrees and climbing, my skin was molten lava and I looked as if I had a glowing sun burn. The Uzita's fangs and mouth were scalded by my heat. He yelped and jumped off, releasing me.

"Fuck me, that smarts!"

"Guess we're even then."

Behind the demon, the teenage girl was wide-eyed and awake. The Uzita's shout, along with the increased weirdness of the situation, gave her a jolt of adrenaline. Our eyes locked.

"You should go," I told her.

Fearful, the girl looked to the demon first. He was bent over in pain, paying no attention to her.

"Run!" I told her with more urgency.

The girl took my advice and ran in drunken-like zigzags into the darkness.

The Uzita had recovered by then, though his lips and face were visibly welted. He narrowed his silver eyes before spitting out, "Just because you have the fire lore doesn't make me afraid of you. You won't kill me. I can see into your heart."

"If what I try doesn't work, I will have no choice but to kill you."

"What are you planning on trying?"

I moved fast. In one fluid motion, my sword was out and thrust through the shoulder of the demon.

I drove it in with such force that the demon flew backwards until he met with the same brick wall he had pinned the girl to. The Uzita was surprised at my strength, and scared of what it meant for him.

"You're desperate," it said. "There is nothing you can try to get rid of me, save notifying a member of the Catholic Church."

"I'll have to settle for burning you alive." I dug the sword in deeper, twisting it in the sinews.

While the demon's face hardened, it didn't wish to display any more weakness by crying out. "You already burned me."

"Not like this, I didn't."

Using the sword as a conduit, I let the heat flow out from my body into the demon's. It wasn't the kind of heat that burned, but it was all encompassing, filling the Uzita with a white light. I hadn't tried this with other Djinn or Lillin because they were different. The demon inside was a part of them, in their blood and bones. However, the Uzita was a virus, a cancer attached to its host. The spirit had an essence, maybe even a weight to it, and I was sure I could find it and burn it out of Rafe's body. As for the condition Rafe would be in afterward, well, I had no clue.

For a minute that felt like an eternity, nothing seemed to be happening. The Uzita hung on the sword. The light from my powers were pouring from its eyes, nose, ears, and skin. I was worried I was burning Rafe alive. Then, the brightness of the light intensified, and I felt an internal struggle.

The demon howled an awful roar that I was sure could be heard for miles. From Rafe's eyes, a white mist began to expel, evaporating as it hit the night air. It poured out in a stream, and then it was done. Rafe's body relaxed. Steam rose from him in waves.

"Rafe?"His body remained unresponsive. "Rafe?"

If the monster was faking it, I was going to be prepared. Then again, if the demon was putting me on, it had given me one hell of a light show.

Rafe was still not responding in any way. He hung on my sword in peaceful sleep, or death. Quickly, I pulled the sword from his shoulder. The harsh movement dropped his body to the pavement. He stayed unconscious, face down. I joined him on the ground. I nudged him lightly. Then I shook him with my super strength. Still, his condition did not change.

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