First day on the trip

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I woke up to the sound of fumbling and packing. I guess that Cameron forgot to pack for the trip last night. I did so I woke up and toke a shower without getting my hair wet, I put on a long sleeved black stripe crop top, ripped up shorts and some black combat boots. I grabbed my suitcase and got in our car. Since Cameron famous or something, we get to fly first class. Cameron and me were going a day earlier than my parents, and I bet that they won't even come. Cameron got in the car and started driving. 
" you know that my friends online are going to be there" he said
" good for you, you'll finally have friends" I said back
" haha, funny, you'll like them, but not to much get it" he said
" and your overprotective side takes over, I'm the same age as you, I can handle myself" I said 
" find but you'll need me" he said
" ok, whatever you say" I said
The drive wasn't long and him being special he got to go on the plane before any one else. The plane ride was nothing compared to New York and Miami. When we got there ,we got to our rooms and then explored the place. Cameron had to get signed in and I went to get Starbucks. The Starbucks here was bigger than the one at home, and had more baristas than the one at home.
" what do you want" said one barista
" um, Carmel frapp" I said
" and what's the name" she said
" um Dylan" I said
" I'm sorry we have many Dylan's today what's your last name" she said
" Dallas" I say I'm a soft whisper
" what was that" she said
" Dallas" I said louder
" ok, so Dylan Dallas" she said and I waited in line for my drink.
" so your Dallas's sister" said one guy, and I turn around to see one guy with the bluest of eyes
" yea, Dylan, and you are" I said
" Nash Grier" he said
" oh, I heard of you, from my brother of course" I said
" yea, we're like best friends" he said
" one grande, Carmel frapp for Dylan Dallas" said the barista, everyone looked at the counter and then looked away. I grabbed my drink and then headed out the door
" nice meeting you" I said and went out the door. I walked to the banquet hall to find Cameron. When I found him I saw him with two guys. I walked up and they smiled at me and I smiled back.
" um Jack and Jack this is my sister, Dylan" he said
" nice to meet you" I said
" yea, you too" they both said
" umm, Cameron I have to go but see you later" I said and left. I decided to take a walk so I could clear my head. I put headphones on a started walking. After awhile I got bored of watching fan girls and even fan guys. I bump into someone and I toke out my headphones.
" Jack right" I said
" yea, Dylan" he said
" that's me" I said
" anyway, you can call me Johnson if that's easier" he said
" and why would I call you that" I said
" it's my last name" he said
" oh, yea the other Jack" I said
" but I'm better" he said
" of course" I said
" hey, can I have your number" he said
" and why would you want that" I said
" to get to know you better" he said
" fine, it's 714-674-398" I said
" um look I have a thing text you later" he said
" yea, sure" I said and he went on his merry way. I walked back to my room and got dress for bed, I toke a shower and then turned on Netflix. My phone beep about 20 minutes into a pretty little liars episode.
Unknown- hey, Dallas
Me- Johnson?
Unknown- who else
Me- well hey
Unknown- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow
Me- sure,Johnson
Unknown- meet me in the park at 9:00
Me- ok see you
Unknown- bye
I finished the episode of PLL and then went to sleep.

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