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I stood there till Jack got the door opened. And he went inside, I closed my door and went into I did everything wrong corner that I made when umm..... Jack and I had our first problem. I just cried and cried softly knowing that Jack, Jack, and Cameron were next door. I stopped after awhile when I started felling nauseous, I grabbed a tissue and dabbed my eyes. I walked around my room, thinking now the guys plan isn't going to work. He hates me, he doesn't want to stand in my presence. So why would he want to go to a concert with me. The guys are holding me to high expectations, and I now think that there is no way he is going to instantly fall back in like with me or even become friends again. I washed off the ruined mascara and started with a clean face. I then reapplied my mascara and lip gloss. I got dressed in a white lace shirt, with a white cami under it, light washed jeans, and white combat boots.i didn't want to seem like I was trying hard but I didn't want to look bad. I heard Jack, Jack, and Cameron leave the room. He also knocked on my door which means it was okay for me to leave. I walked out the door and got in my car which is also Cameron's car. I drove to the concert area. I had to get in without Jack recognizing me. I followed a bunch of people in a crowd through to the entrance. I gave him my ticket and walked through. I saw the crowd of people in the concert hall. There was no way Jack could pick me out in a crowd this big.
" Dylan?" I heard Jack call
" Johnson" I said
" why are you here" he said
" because it's a free country" I said
" no, I mean I thought you were" he stopped talking
" you thought that I was going on a date with Matt" I said
" well that's how it sounds" he said
" or did you blow him off too" he added
"OMG, Jack" called one fan girl
" it's him at this concert" said another
" can we have a picture" the third one said
" yea, sure" he said.
After the picture he looked at me
" so what happened" he asked
" Matt and I were never going on a date" I said
" really" he said looking optimistic
" yea" I said
" um...... How about we get out of here, I mean it is crowded" he said
" yea, that sounds great, at least I won't hear another OMG  can you take my picture" I said
(Jack laughs) " guessing you get that a lot" he said
" to much" I said
" how about we go to the beach" he said
" that sounds amazing" I said
We drove to the beach and when we got there the moon was right over the beach. I walked out of the car and sat in the sand next to Jack. No one was on the beach and it was quiet all you could hear was the waves crashing on the sand. We didn't talk, we just sat there. I wanted to break the silence but I was afraid that it would messed up the space time continuum. I shivered not because it was weird but because I forgot to a coat and it was cold. It didn't think I would need one. Soon one shiver turned into a bomb load of them. I felt a rush of warmness came over my body. Jack put his coat on me and the shivers were gone.  I smiled at him and he scooted closer. He put his arm around me and I fell into his body. He made me fell safe, like nothing in the world could ruin this moment. But of course we can't have a perfect moment. My phone rang and it was Matthew calling. I got up and walk away from him
"Yes" I said
" how is it going" he asked
" fine" I said
" is he talking to you" he asked
" something like that" I said
" ok, good" he said
" we'll do we have Jack back" all of them asked
" yes, I'm pretty sure just give him time" I said
" awesome, ok carry on" he said
" ok, bye" I said
" bye" he said
I walked back to him.
" who was that" he asked
" am I sensing a little bit of jealousy" I said
" what, no" he said
" it was my brother" I said 
" that's what I thought" he said
" of course you did" I said
" what you don't believe me" he said
" no I do, but I don't think you have that good of intuition" I said 
" no I do" he said
" ok, sure" I said
" what you don't know everything about me" he said
" ok, mr. Intuition" I said
" what?" He said
" ok if your so good at guessing intuition, what will happened next" I asked
" you phone will beep" he said
" very funny" I said
" hey it's getting late we should get back" he said
" yea, your right" I said. We got up and got in the car. We drove back in silence so we're not totally back together. But tonight was an improvement, I drove the car into the hotel, and I got out he went on way and I went the other. I went up to my room. When I opened the door, Cameron was there sitting watching PLL.
" so I see the show has grown on you" I said
" no this is the only thing you have on your tv" he said
" then how about you go into your room" I said
"It's too messy" he said
" live with it" I said
" fine, mom, have fun watching your stupid show" he said and left the room. I took a shower and put on some pjs. I fell asleep and today wasn't as bad of a day I guess

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