Perfect guy/ heartbreak

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I had two messages on my phone one was from Hayes and one was from Jack.
Hayes- are we on for today 7:00
Me- um..........yea sure see you

Jack J.- I'll meet you at 10:00 today for our makeup date I promised it will be worth your while
Me- ok, I bet it will be

I got out of bed and headed to get dress,since it was 6:35 I know that I could get out without Cameron coming up on me. I got a white shirt and blue skirt with white designs on it. I put on some necklaces and headed out the door. As I suspected Cameron was asleep, I headed to the coffee shop to see Hayes waiting at a table. ........ And Jack waiting in line to get his coffee!! I ran out of the coffee store without Hayes seeing me. I grabbed out my phone and had to think this through. I decided to text Hayes and lie to him by telling him I was sick. And then I will figure out the rest later.

Me- hey Hayes I'm so sorry I felling under the weather
Hayes- oh yea it's ok
Me- how about a raincheck
Hayes- yea ok

I closed my phone and started walking away from the Coffee store.
" hey, Dylan" called Jack
" hey, Jack" I said. He ran up to me and I turned around.
" what are you doing here" he said
" umm..... Just walking around" I said
" well, you look dressed up for walking around" he said
" I just wanted to look good" I said
" you'll look good in anything" he said
" thanks, I'm heading back to my room" I said
" I can walk you" he said
" yea, sure" I said
We started walking to the hotel
" so how come a pretty girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend already" he said
" I never said I didn't have a boyfriend" I said
" oh" he said
" I don't though, I don't know I just never had time with being Cameron's camera girl" I said
" or you just haven't meant the perfect guy" he said
" I already have" I said
" who is he" he said
" I'm not telling all my secrets" I said
" come one, I won't tell anyone" he said
" no, I'm not telling" I said
We got to the hotel and Cameron was walking out of the front doors. He saw us and walked closer,
" hey, Dylan............ Jack" he said
" hey Cameron" we said
" what are you guys doing" he said
" umm...... Jack is just walking me to my room" I said
" I pretty sure Dylan can handle herself from now on, Jack how about we get the crew and make some vines" he said
" um yea, sure" Jack said
" bye guys" I said. They walked away and I walked back into my room. I jumped on my bed and I instantly got a message from Jack.
Jack J.- hey sorry
Me- it's not your fault it's my brothers
Jack J.- it okay, I'll see you in a few hours if I can get away from your brother
Me- fingers crossed
Jack J.- yep. Don't think I would forget you still need to tell me who the one is
Me- not happening
Jack J.- I will make you tell me
Me- you should go make vines now
Jack J.- ok, bye
Me- bye
I put on PLL and started watching and episode. Around 9:45 I turned off the episode and walked to the lobby. I walked to the park thinking that he would want to meet there again. Soon enough he came up, and he didn't look happy.
" what is it" I said
" I meet up with Hayes while shooting" he said
" Jack it's not what you think,it was just coffee" I said
" and you went as far as to lie that you were sick" he said
" you know how, you said you wanted to find out who was the perfect guy, it's you" I said
" maybe you should had figured that out before you agreed to go on another date with him" he said
" I was just being nice, please believe me" I said
" I can't do this anymore, I need space from you" he said and he left. I sat down there crying. I need Jack he's the only one that makes me happy.

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