Lonely day

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I woke up to bunches of tissues, and snot. I got up and since I didn't want to look like I wasn't broken up I got dressed. I put on a white shirt, a plaid jacket around my my waist dark blue jeans, and timberlands. I walked out of my room and went to the coffee place for breakfast. I walked in a saw Jack standing there, I walked into line and ignored him like he was doing to me. I ordered my breakfast and walked out of the coffee shop. I walked back to my hotel room, and ate my breakfast. While I was eating, Cameron came in.
" hey, sis, not hanging out with Jack" he said
" why do you think that's all I do" I said
" because every since you got here that's all you do now" he said
" well that's going to change" I said
" how about you come hang out with me and my friends, Jack will be there to" he said
" I'm good,I think I'm just going to watch PLL" I said
" that crappy show, that's all you do" he said
" hey, it's a amazing show, spoby is goals" I said
" one your lying and two I don't even know what you mean" he said
" only true Liars know, just go I'll be fine" I said
" ok, that's you decision" he said and left. I started watching PLL and when Spoby came one I imaged Jack and I, but immediately came back to reality. I realized that I probably just needed fresh air. I went outside and tried to find the hill, that I sat on the first time. I found it and sat down on the rocks, I put on some love songs and drifted away to world where there was no pain. Beep beep
Cameron- where are you, Are you ok
Me- yea, in the woods, calm down
Cameron- just come back to the hotel I have a surprise
Me- better not be one of those stupid presents you always get me
Cameron- those are amazing and no
Me- okay I'm coming
Cameron- hurry
I walked back faster than I did before. When I got there he was outside with an envelope, he was looking happy.
" what is it" I said
" open this" he said
I opened it and it was 2 tickets to DNCE.
" what's this" I asked
" it's obvious" he said
" so me and you are going to DNCE" I said
" no, you and Jack are going" he said
" I don't thing he'll want to go" I said
" I already asked him and he said yes" he said
" does he know it's going to be with me and not you" I asked
" no, why" he asked
" no reason" I said
" thanks, Cam" I said
" your welcome" he said
I walked up into my room and just prayed that he wouldn't walk away 
when he saw me there and not Cameron.

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