Who is this?

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I woke up to immense pounding on the door.
" I'm coming, just stop banging" I said
" hey, sis ready" he said
" for what?" I asked
" for our last week here" he said
" that's great, you know maybe you should go tell someone else who cares" I said
" fine, party pooper" he said
" oh that really hurt" I said sarcastically
" bye, loser" he said
" bye" I said and closed the door, and walked to the bathroom. I toke a shower and got dressed in a black skirt, black stripe shirt, brownish- green vest, black knee socks, and black knee boots. I put on a gold necklace, and a black purse. I walked out the door and started walking to the woods.
" hey, Dylan" Matt said
" Matt" I said
" just wanted to thank you for the Jack thing again" he said
" No problem" I said
" so are you guys dating" he said
" no, we just patch things up" I said
" oh, well if you need anything then you can just ask me I own you one" he said
" I make sure to keep that in mind" I said
" good, I'll see you later" he said
" yea, bye" I said
" bye" he said and walked away. I walked around the convention center. I walk pass Jack and Jack fans, Matt fans, Cameron fans were the biggest group though. I couldn't handle the screams anymore so I walked outside. I walked along the side of the building trying to not think about anything that has to do with Jack or Anyone. I wanted to focus on me, and maybe even working on making things better with me and Lizza.
" Long time no see" said Matt as he came out of the building
" yep, how was the bunches of screaming fans" I said
" I think I have a headache right now" he said
" ouch, you probably need to take something for that" I said
" I think I be good if I don't hear another scream" he said
" OMG is that Matt Espinosa" I screamed
" oh, please stop" he said
" what don't like your adoring fans" I said
" I'm pretty sure you toke it to a breaking point" he said
Ring ring
" go ahead" he said
" oh, yea" I said
" umm, see you around" I said walking off
" yes, hello" I said
" yo, sis" he said
" I would like if you didn't say yo" I said
" ok, whatever I need a refresher and I can't leave the booth can you get it" he said
" ok, but you own me" I said
I grabbed his drink and walked to his booth.
" thanks, again" he said
" you never said thanks the first time" I said
" fine, thanks for the first time" he said
"Well actually that you be the second thanks" I said
" just go" he said
" fine, bye" I said
I could see Jack and Jacks booth. Instead of seeing just Jack and Jack. I saw a girl not a fan but a acquaintance. She looked pretty l, like really pretty. She was closer to Jack J. than Jack G. He was smiling at her the way he smiled at me.
I had to call Matt about this
" umm, Matt meet me in the park ASAP" I said
" okay, fine but what is this all about" he said
" just meet me"  I said walking out of convention center
I walked to the park and watch for Matt. When he got there he was looking concerned.
" what is it" he said
" who is this" I said showing him a picture of her that I took
" oh, no she's back" he said
" what do you mean she's back" I said
" Danielle" he said
" who is" I said
" the only girl that Jack has liked as much as you" he said
" oh" I said

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