New relationships

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" trust me he's over her" he said
" sure?" I said
" positive" he said
" thanks" I said
" for what?" he said
" afor being here" I said
" no problem" he said
" look I'm going to go" I said
" wait, I'll be here if you ever need anything else" he said
" yea, I know" I said
" you do?" he said
" yea, you're that guy that I can count on" I said.
" look I really got to go" I said
" yea, I get it" he said
" bye" I said
" yea, bye" he said
I walked back to the hotel but before I could get inside I saw, Danielle and Jack. Holding hands, walking to his car. They were laughing, they seemed happy. I guess Matt wasn't telling the truth, he's not over her. He's over me. I couldn't take anymore steps I just stood there like an idiot. I called Matt
" Matt, we need to talk, again" I said
" yea, sure meet me in the park" he said
He ended the phone call and I ran to the park. Matt was waiting on a bench, he looked concerned.
" hey, what's up" he said in a concerned voice
" Jack and Danielle" I barely made out
" oh, Dylan, I'm so sorry" he said taking my hands as I sat on the bench
" I'll be okay, I mean I lasted a long time without him" I said
" he's stupid if he doesn't realize that your better than Danielle" he said
" um.....thanks" I said
" yea, no problem" he said
And in the heat of the moment, he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away and ran from the park
" Dylan, I'm sorry, please it was a mistake" I heard Matt say behind me
I ran to my room and shut my door and went to my everything wrong corner. I just stayed there till I fell asleep in the corner.

BTW the picture is Dylan not Danielle

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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