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(Picture of Nate Garner)

Nate Garner: Basically the strictest person ever, gets mad at small things and WILL punish you for those small things, very strong since he's got abs and is buff, does not back away from a punishment (so if he plans on giving you 10 hits he will make sure you get 10 hits), hits extremely hard, and is 22.

Niall Horan: 16, very obedient, usually good but sometimes he has a sailors mouth, hates being spanked by Nate since he is the hardest spanker Niall has ever met (spanks harder than Niall's principal in Ireland), always cries during his spanking even if it's 5 swats or 10, gets along with Jack to avoid being punished, does fine in his education, it depends on how hard he studies.

Jack Johnson: 16, listens to Nate but usually gets in trouble for slacking or not doing his homework or staying out too late, gets spanked a lot more than Niall so he doesn't always cry during his spankings (he probably will cry if Nate hits him 15 times, you may think that's not a lot but Nate has A LOT of muscle), is pretty smart and gets along with Niall.

Comment and vote of you want me to continue.

I'm already writing another story so if you want me to continue let me know cause if no one comments then I won't know you guys like it.

I also don't want to waste my time on this story of no one is reading it so comments must be here in order for me to be satisfied.

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