Pen Pals (a B&C crossover)

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Bonnie is most likely not going to be historically accurate.  I'll make her more accurate to the musical.

Katherine Plumber sat at her desk typing away excitedly.  She had just been assigned a pen pal through a new system they'd developed and she couldn't wait to get started on her first letter.

Dear Bonnie,

My name is Katherine Plumber.  I haven't heard much about you except for your name of course but here's a bit about myself to start us off.  I am engaged right now to a boy named Jack Kelly who just won the newsboy strike! Maybe you've heard of it all the way in Rowena! I heard word gets around quick in that small town.  I work at The Sun as a journalist and he works as a newsboy delivering my stories.  We're kinda two peas in a pod as our friend Romeo calls us.  What about you Bonnie? Have you found love yet?

All my love and wishes.

Katherine P.


A week later a letter was slipped under their apartment door.  Jack curiously walked over and picked it up.

"Aye Ace!"

"Yes?" She replied.

"Yous got a letter!"

Katherine sat up quickly in bed before jumping out and running to the living room, she dashed towards him and yanked the letter out of his hands as Jack just stood there stunned.

"Well, good mornin' ta you too." He replied.

Katherine was too busy scanning over the letter to reply.

Dear Katherine,

I've most definitely heard about that newsboys strike! They sound like the bravest of men.  I'm part time a waitress and part time a poet.  Well, mainly a waitress.  My poetry has never been published so it's more of a side hobby.  I haven't met my love yet.  I got married when I way too young.  I'm still filing for a divorce right now from him.  He was mean and cruel and vicious.  A terrible man really.  Your Jack sounds nice though.  Don't let him go honey.  Well I best be getting back to work because the manager is calling on me once again for the next order.  The kids at the table are being little rascals but what else is new? Do you have any children?

You'll loose the blues, and you may loose your heart.

Bonnie E. Parker

Katherine turned a bright red at that last question, Jack looked over from the counter with his cup of coffee and raised his eyebrows.

Katherine just cleared her throat and smiled before dashing to her typewriter and sitting down, her fingers already beginning to type up a reply.

Dear Bonnie,

No I actually don't have children.  Funny enough, Jack and I were talking all about how we wished for them last night.  But we're going to wait a few years until we get our feet on the ground.  I'd love to read your poetry someday! We seem to have a lot in common with writing! Journaling and poetry.  I do hope your divorce works out okay.  It sounds like a terrible situation to be in.  I'd love to visit you at your waitress job one day too! Where is it that you work?

All my love and wishes.

Katherine P.

She smiled to herself before yanking the paper from the typewriter and getting it ready to be sent off to the post office and then to Texas.


Two weeks passed and she waited, drumming her fingers on her desk.

"Yous gonna make yo'self go insane doin' that." Jack muttered as he drew, staring at her.

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