Just Breathe

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Katherine sat in the living room at her typewriter clicking away at the keys once more as she always did. The sound had a calming effect on her and could even lull her to sleep if she wasn't so focused on an article. Her fingers skimmed along the keys, pressing down certain ones over and over again and watching the ink hit the paper. According to the old clock on the wall it was about 1 in the morning by now. Katherine couldn't remember when she started working honestly but it didn't matter to her.

Jack had gone to bed about two hours ago and had told her to come soon so she could get some rest as well. She obviously told him she would, per usual (even if she usually was still at her typewriter by four in the morning or watching the sun come up).

She mouthed the words in a whisper as she typed, her eyebrows knit in concentration as she leaned close to the paper.

A sudden yell interrupted her thoughts and she jumped in her seat, hitting an x where a c was supposed to go.

"What the. . ." Katherine trailed off, pushing her chair back and standing up. She debated grabbing the old baseball bat they kept in the corner of the kitchen but another noise interrupted her once more.

Her instincts took hold of her and she took off in a run to the bedroom, throwing the door open.

Jack was laying sprawled out on the bed; the sheets tangled on him. The moonlight was the only light showing through from the window. Katherine took a hesitant step forward before turning on the lamp on the night table. Jack's eyebrows were knit in what looked like pain and worry and his mouth was set a grim line. He tossed and turned slightly, looking like he was gasping for breath.

"Hey hey. Jack, Jack wake up." Katherine said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Jack, Jack wake up!" She said louder shaking his shoulder harshly.

Jack shot up quickly and Katherine jumped. He looked around as panicked as a frightened animal. His black shaggy hair stuck to his forehead in sweat and he was breathing heavily, clutching the sheets tightly. His eyes scanned over the room wildly until they landed on Katherine's worried expression.

"Oh, Ace. . ." He breathed out, quickly pulling her close and hugging her as close to him as he physically could.

"Are you okay?" Katherine asked softly, tracing patterns along his back with her fingers.

She could feel Jack shook his head from where he'd buried it against her neck; his breathing tickling her skin and causing her to shiver involuntarily.

The two were quiet for a few seconds as Jack's breathing slowed down slightly. Katherine gently pulled away and cupped his face with her small hands, feeling that Jack's terrified grip hadn't loosened from around her yet.

"What was it about?" She asked softly, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes.

Jack swallowed hard and let out a small gasp for air.

"R-Refuge." He muttered out.

Katherine nodded, knowing she had to keep him calm in these situations. Her reporter instincts wanted to ask more but she knew Jack wasn't one to talk about it.

"It was shut down though." Katherine said, stroking his cheek with her thumb tenderly, "Your drawings saved all of those kids. Snyder is in jail and you'll never ever run into him again; especially not if any of those boys have anything to do with it."

Jack shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, "Still haunts me." He choked out.

"Shh, I know." Katherine mumbled, pulling him close as he rest his head back on her shoulder. She felt little wet drops on the sleeve of her nightdress and took a shakey breath.

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