Ace in Wonderland

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"I'm bored outta ma everlovin' mind!" Race yelled through the lodging house.

"Quit your yapping." Davey mumbled going back to his book on the torn up couch.

"I can't!" Race yelled taking the cigar out of his mouth, "I need somethin ta do!"

"Go outside."

Race thought for a minute before snapping his fingers.

"Great idea Davey! You're comin' with me!"

"Oh great." Davey muttered as Race pulled him up from the couch and out the door.


Katherine is just saying, it was Race's idea in the first place to play Baseball, not her's.

"Alright so you wanna run around and around and around." He said, "Simple right?"

"I don't think that's how it works." Katherine said not looking up from her notepad from where she sat next to Crutchie.

"Well Miss Know it all why don't you show us?"

Katherine rolled her eyes and huffed, slapping her notes down on the bench beside her before marching up to the home plate and grabbing a bat they had made.

"You sur'a Ace?" Jack asked from where he stood at the pitcher's mound.

"Nothing I didn't used to play when I was little." She replied.

Jack shrugged before throwing the ball towards her lightly.

Katherine glared and let the ball roll past her before looking back up at Jack.

"Really? You couldn't have thrown harder?"

Jack rolled his eyes as she threw the ball back to him.

Jack wound up and threw the ball finally and Katherine hit it with a loud CRACK!

The ball soared out over to the outfield where Romeo ran to catch it but he missed and Katherine ran two bases before they got the ball back to Jack.

"Well I'll be." Mush said taking off his hat and scratching his head.

"Damn, she's good!" Jack said.

Katherine smirked and crossed her arms from where she stood on second base.


After about another half hour of playing (and Katherine kicking everyone's asses) it was time for Katherine to mount the pitcher's mound.

"Ya ready Ace?" Jack asked stepping up to the plate.

"Oh yeah." Katherine smirked tossing the ball up and down in her hand.

Let's just say Jack wasn't the best at batting. In the last three innings he nearly took off Romeo's hat and Finch had to duck. So when Katherine winded up the ball and threw it, and boy could she throw, he thought he could hit it correctly.  He was wrong.

Jack swung his bat and the ball went another THWACK! shooting like a bullet.  Except Jack had the worst aim in all of New York City.

Katherine was hit square in the corner of the head and quickly fell back and landed flat on her back on the sand.

Not good.  This ain't good.

"Jack what the hell!" Davey yelled as they all ran from their positions.

"I- I didn't mean ta!" Jack yelled back as he ran up to where she lay and skidded to a stop on his knees beside where her head lay, her curls spread through the sand and a small bruise forming on the corner of her forehead.

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