Chapter 3 - The show

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The show was amazing! It was the definition of amazing.

There were about twenty girls in the show. They were all about sixteen to twenty years old.

They wore black dance shoes, fish net stockings, black stretch shorts and a red vest. The girls with long hair had it loose, and the girls with short hair had it curled.

They did three dances, two songs and a scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream. The scene was maybe my favourite!

They all came on for the scene wearing costumes. There was a donkey, five fairies, one of which looked like the queen, a king fairy, and four Greek citizens. I especially like the queen fairy costume.

They had so many things to say! I even memorised one of the lines!

And Yet, to say the truth,
Reason and love
Keep little company
Together nowadays.

That was the line I remembered. It was said by Bottom.

I made a decision. A decision that if I ever was in a play of a midsummer nights dream I would audition for Puck. I loved the part Puck. I had a really strange urge to get on the stage and dance around and mimic Puck. I longed for it so much.


And that's when I realised my dream.

"Cathy!" I whispered in the comfy red seat next to her.
"Sh, we are watching a performance. Be respectful!" She hissed back.
"But it's important!"
"I think I just realised what I want to do."
"No, like a dream. My dream job." I said.
Cathy crinkled her face uncertainly. "You know? Like, the dreams people have?" I explained.
Cathy hesitated before saying, "Oh! Your dream!"
"What is it?"
"I want to be up there!" I said, pointing at the stage.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to be a performer!"
"Oh! So a singer, dancer or actress?"
"All of them."
"All of them?!"
"Yes." I nodded and sat back down in my seat. If felt good to just tell someone.

After a few minutes of silence, Cathy said, "You know what my dream is?"
"Your dream? You have a dream?"
"Yup. For a while now."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think I had to."
"Okay well tell me now."
"I want to be a surfer."

I almost burst out loud, thinking she was joking. I kept it in, as she didn't smile. She was dead serious.
"A surfer?" I asked, shocked.

We didn't speak for the rest of the show.

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