Chapter 12 - The photo shoot

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Me and Mary are taking the car to the hall where they are shooting the trailer.
Mary doesn't know how to drive, so we had to ask one of the workers to drive the car.


When we get there, our eyes shine with awe. The building is close to the road but no car dare get close to it - the front of it it completely golden, with a red entrance. It looks more like a theatre, but it's actually a filming hall. 

Once we're inside, we ask a receptionist for guidance. She takes us to a room three floors up. It has a golden star on it and I can hear voices from inside.

We knock and enter. About twenty people are standing inside. They all are looking at Derek. They all look older than me - some our even old adults. Suddenly I feel very nauseous.

"Mary." I whisper. "They are all older than me! They must be way more experienced!"
"Yes they are." She answers. "But once they all started out like you now."

She's right. Every single actor or actress in the room once started out like me. That means that I am starting out to be like them.

"Ah, our wonderful Cleo." Derek says once he sees me and Mary. He walks over to me and puts his arm around me. "Just on time." He says, walking me over to the group of people. Mary waves and leaves.

"So, everyone... This is Cleo. Cleo, this is everyone. These are the people you shall be working with for the next few weeks - whether they are actors, actresses, prop designers, make up artists, etcetera." Says Derek. "Everyone, I want you to be aware that this is Cleo's first time on camera."

"Right now everyone, we have today, and the rest of the Christmas holiday to pull this off. So to start with, can I please have all the actors stay here and all the backstage people go to the side and work."

Everyone did so. I looked around as people started to leave the group. Most of the adults left, but two stayed. The rest of the girls were still much older than me.

"Now what we are going to do is sit in a circle and tell everyone what there name is, how old they are and who they are playing."

The nine actors including me sat down in the circle. Derek joined it.
"I'll start." He said. "Hello, my name is Derek and I am the director. Let's just say that I will be on pension money if my movies are not successful."

Everyone laughed the this.

Then it was my turn. I need to make a good first impression. "Hello, my name is Cleo, I am thirteen and I am playing the part of Amy."

Some cat whistles came from some of the older girls, as I saw them nudging a boy about my age lightly.

The next girl sitting next to me said, "Hello, my name is July, I am eighteen and I shall be playing the part of Jo."

And on and on it went.

I was actually paying attention when the boy my age said, "Hey, my name's Joshuah but you can call me Josh, I am fourteen and I shall be playing the part of Fred."

Oh my goodness! I completely forgot! In the book Fred had a romantic interest in Amy! That's why the girls were catcalling!

Suddenly, in the midst of my thoughts, I see Derek leaning towards me. "Just so you know, we're going to get a kiss scene from Josh and you." He says. Everyone in the room claps, laughs, and cheers. I blush. Josh winks at me.

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